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What is the CNC performance of Hydraulic Shearing Machine embodied in?

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What is the CNC performance of Hydraulic Shearing Machine embodied in?

23 9 月, 2021

Hydraulic shearing machine is widely used, powerful, used in many heavy industries, shear many industries of the plate, very practical, CNC, today we come to understand its CNC embodied in which aspects?

Hydraulic shearing machine system structure

1. Integration
It adopts highly integrated CPU, RISC chip and large-scale programmable integrated circuit, and special integrated circuit chip, and its structure mainly includes bracket, table and clamping plate, the table is placed on the bracket, the table is composed of base and pressure plate, the base is connected to the clamping plate through the hinge, the base is composed of seat shell, coil and cover plate, the coil is placed in the recess of the seat shell, and the top of the recess is covered with a cover plate. In use, the coil is energized by the wire, and when energized, it exerts a gravitational force on the platen, thus achieving the clamping of the thin plate between the platen and the base. Because electromagnetic force is used, the platen can be made into a variety of workpiece requirements, and workpieces with sidewalls can be processed, and the operation is very easy.

2. Highly functional built-in
The hydraulic shearing machine system is equipped with a high-function PLC, which can be programmed directly with ladder diagrams or high-level languages, and can be debugged online and modified by online compilation to create its own application programs.

 The function of hydraulic shearing machine

1. Graphical user interface
The user interface is the dialogue interface between the hydraulic shearing machine system and the user. The graphical user interface should be suitable for various users, including non-professional users, and can be manipulated through windows and menus to achieve functions such as graphical simulation, graphical dynamic tracking, simulation and fast programming.

2. Hydraulic shearing machine software and hardware open
Users can according to their own needs, the hydraulic shearing machine system software for secondary development, the user’s scope of use is no longer subject to the constraints of the producer. If the use of high-speed CPU chip, RISC chip, multi-CPU control system, high-resolution detection components, AC digital servo system, supporting electric spindle, linear motor and other technologies can greatly improve the efficiency, improve the quality and grade of the product, shorten the production cycle and improve the competitiveness of the market.

3. Learn to compute visualization
Information communication is no longer limited to expressions in words and language, but can directly use visual information such as graphics, images and animations.

4. Interpolation and compensation diversification
Interpolation methods include linear interpolation, circular interpolation, cylindrical interpolation, spatial elliptical surface interpolation, thread interpolation, polar interpolation, polynomial interpolation, etc. From the current point of view, the development trend of hydraulic shearing machine system is mainly reflected in the three aspects of function, function and architecture, which are expressed in detail.

Hydraulic shearing machine function

1. High precision, high speed and high efficiency
Efficiency and quality are the functional indicators of the pivot of the advanced manufacturing technology, which is the main body of the advanced manufacturing technology.

2. Modularity
To achieve system integration and standardization, the CPU, memory, position servo, PLC, input and output interfaces, communication and other modules, made into a standardized series of products, constituting different grades of the system. Such as programming expert system fault diagnosis expert system, when the system is out of order, diagnosis, maintenance, etc. to achieve intelligence.

3. Hydraulic shearing machine multi-axis
Multi-axis linkage processing, parts in a machine tool after a clamping, automatic tool change, rotating spindle head, rotary table and other manipulation, to complete multiple processes, multi-surface composite processing, not only high finish, but also substantial progress in efficiency. In the coming years, ultra-precision punching machine is developing to precision, high speed, intelligence and nano, converging into a new generation of machine tools. Visualization technology can be used for CAD/CAM, automatic parameter setting, tool compensation, display and visual simulation of machining process.

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