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Hydraulic Press Brake Machine up and down out of sync solution

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Hydraulic Press Brake Machine up and down out of sync solution

13 10 月, 2021

Hydraulic Press Brake Machine up and down out of sync solution

Hydraulic press brake machine hydraulic transmission system has very many advantages, so in a variety of mechanical equipment has been widely used, but in actual production with the increasing number of uses, there are some typical failures troubling, such as hydraulic press brake machine cylinders on the descent of the unsynchronized, the following hydraulic press brake machine up and down the causes of the unsynchronized to do the following analysis and put forward the corresponding solutions.

Analysis of the causes of unsynchronized hydraulic press brake machine:

Analysis from the piston cylinder itself

Mainly because the piston cylinder itself has the phenomenon of internal leakage, that is, the gap between the piston and the cylinder is large, resulting in leakage, and the left and right cylinder leakage volume is not exactly the same, so that the movement speed of the two cylinders are different.

Analysis from the oil feed line

In the hydraulic press brake machine fast down, on the one hand, by the oil pump through the synchronous valve to the cylinder supply, on the other hand, from the top of the tank by the natural height difference through the one-way valve to the cylinder into the oil, the two oil together to the upper chamber of the cylinder supply, so that the cylinder to achieve the purpose of rapid descent, due to the flow through the synchronous valve after the valve circuit is approximately equal, so only consider the flow from the tank through the one-way valve into the cylinder flow situation. For the two check valve inlet pressure, P1 can be considered as atmospheric pressure, so it is equal. In the case of P1 the same, P2 the smaller P the larger, the flow through the check valve flow Q is also the larger. From the aforementioned two hydraulic cylinder start will not be fully synchronized, so the pressure of the two cylinders on the cavity P2 is not the same, two check valves before and after the pressure difference will not be the same, and therefore from the cylinder through the check valve flow into the two cylinders is not the same flow, which also leads to two cylinders movement is not synchronized.

Analysis from the oil return line

That is, the hydraulic press brake machine is not equal to the motion damping on the return path when the piston cavity back pressure differences, so the flow of the two cylinders back to the flow is not equal, which also leads to the rapid decline of the speed of the two cylinders are not equal, that is, not synchronized.


1. For the hydraulic cylinder, in order to make the two cylinders leak equal, on the one hand, try to make the left and right piston, cylinder and other parts of the optional precision (including size accuracy, position accuracy as axis, roundness, etc.) consistent, on the other hand, the two hydraulic cylinder hydraulic circuit design as much as possible the same.

2. For the oil pipeline, in order to ensure that the flow through the two check valve flow equal, on the one hand, we should try to make the center of gravity of the active frame in the geometric center of the two cylinders; on the other hand, we should try to make the piston and the piston rod and the piston rod and the end cover between the mechanical damping is similar, to ensure that the two piston cylinder fast down when the mechanical damping is similar.

3. For the return line, in order to ensure that the return flow of the two cylinders are equal, we must make the return resistance on the return line is similar, that is, the pipe diameter, pipe length, pipe bend number, pipe bend angle size should be basically the same.

4. The use of mechanical rack and pinion drive to force synchronization. In the hydraulic press brake machine connection frame on the left and right mounted on the rack, and mounted on the rack gear mesh, the use of rack as a guide device, relying on the mesh of the gear and rack error correction, as long as the manufacturing accuracy of the rack and gear is guaranteed, the hydraulic press brake machine’s two cylinders can achieve very high synchronization accuracy.

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