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How to safely operate the CNC bending machine equipment

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How to safely operate the CNC bending machine equipment

28 2 月, 2022


How to safely operate the CNC bending machine equipment

CNC bending machine equipment has been well used in many areas, I think many people for the operation of this equipment is not particularly well understood, bending machine manufacturers to help you understand the correct operation of this equipment, reduce the operational errors in this area, to give you a detailed explanation of the safety operation of this equipment specifications.

Strictly comply with the bending machine worker safety operating procedures, according to the provisions of the labor protective equipment; start before the motor must be carefully checked, switches, wiring and grounding is normal and solid, check the equipment manipulation parts, buttons are stalled in the correct position; check the overlap and sturdiness of the upper and lower die; check whether the positioning device is in line with the requirements of the processed; in the upper slide and the positioning axis are not in the state of origin, run back to the When the upper slide and each positioning axis are not in the home position, run the program back to the home position; after starting the equipment, run the machine in air for 1-2 minutes, and move the upper slide for 2-3 times with full stroke, if any abnormal sound or fault is found, stop the machine immediately and remove the fault, and work only after everything is normal.

When working, bending machine does not allow people to stand at the rear; strictly prohibited to press the plate material alone at one end; operation found that the workpiece or mold is not correct, should stop to correct, forbidden to correct by hand in operation to prevent injury to the hand; prohibited to fold super-thick iron plate or quenched steel plate, alloy steel, square steel and more than the performance of the plate material, so as not to damage the equipment; often check the overlap of the upper and lower mold; pressure gauge indication is in line with the provisions.

Occurrence of abnormalities immediately shut down, check the causes and timely elimination; shut down the machine before the lower die on both sides of the cylinder below the wooden block will be placed on the upper slide down to the wooden block; first exit the control system program, after cutting off the power.

The main components of the bending machine are welded from steel plates, so high strength, good rigidity and light weight.

It consists of the following components.

1. Frame part: steel plate constitutes the left and right wall plate, work table, brace block and other components of the box-shaped frame.

2. Slider part: the slider is made of a whole steel plate and is connected to the piston rod.
The oil cylinder is fixed above the left and right wall plates, and the piston drives the slider up and down through hydraulic drive.

3. Synchronization structure
Bending machine synchronization structure consists of spindle, connecting rod, swing arm, adjusting rod, reasonable structure, easy to adjust, can ensure sufficient synchronization strength.

4. Front material support device

5. Backstop

The bending machine is equipped with electric backstop device, pressing the button under the table can make the backstop move back and forth, and the counter shows the moving data. The machine has a hand wheel fine-tuning device, turning the hand wheel can make the stopper reach the ideal position. The blocking frame can be lifted, operation first loosen the lower nut of the lifting screw set screw and the upper side of the tightening nut, you can turn the nut above, the screw up and down to achieve the purpose of the blocking frame up and down, after adjusting the original method of locking and tightening can be.

Bending machine safety specifications to ensure the good operation of the equipment later, if the equipment in the use of the process can not do the correct operation, it is likely to cause damage to the equipment, reduce the productivity of the equipment, and in serious cases will reduce the output, resulting in a reduction in overall efficiency, so in order to reduce or directly avoid this aspect of the problem, we, especially the operator, to understand clearly the safety of this equipment operating specifications Therefore, in order to reduce or directly avoid this problem, everyone, especially the operator, should understand the safety operation of this equipment.

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