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Features of Robotic Bending System for Sheet Metal Production Line

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Features of Robotic Bending System for Sheet Metal Production Line

4 3 月, 2022


Features of Robotic Bending System for Sheet Metal Production Line

Along with the popularization and promotion of intelligent manufacturing and Industry 4.0, the industry and customers’ requirements for intelligent factories and sheet metal automation production lines are getting higher and higher. Nowadays, requiring new factories and equipment to have digital and information capability has become a basic option. To talk about, bending robot system.

Robotic bending system

1. System description

This system uses a bending robot to complete the sheet metal bending work. With the help of the centering table, the sheet metal is positioned with high precision to achieve stable bending function.

2. Process flow

(1) The sheet metal in the loading area is positioned on the centering table in sequence;

(2) The sheet is kept flat on the working surface;

(3) The robot grabs the sheet and feeds it into the bending machine;

(4) The robot takes out the bent sheet and places it in the desired position.

3. System characteristics

(1) The system is safe and stable;

(2) Use the centering table, high stability robot to ensure the accuracy of the sheet bending;

(3) It can adapt to products of similar size and specification.

The current needs of some typical intelligent sheet metal factories are mainly in the following areas.

(1) Multi-process and multi-process production management. Including laser drop, bending, welding, polishing, transportation, storage, quality inspection and other links.

(2) Integration of multi-systems and multi-equipment. Like ERP, MES, WMS, PLM, CAM, CNC, PLC, barcode system, etc.

(3) Automatic scheduling of production orders, ERP order association, automatic order scheduling, automatic assignment of equipment task orders, instant feedback of production performance, flexible mixed production, etc.

(4) Automatic nesting and automatic sorting of multi-species and small-lot production. This includes automatic correlation of orders, nesting charts, etc.

(5) Warehouse inventory management. Not only the raw material warehouse, but also the finished products, semi-finished products in and out of the warehouse and line side warehouse management, etc.

(6) Bar code management and quality tracing. Workpiece and raw material spraying code, labeling code, scanning code and traceability, etc.

(7) Production line kanban and management visualization. Real-time display of production status, equipment status, work efficiency and other data, etc.

(8) Data analysis and application. Such as predictive maintenance, fault alarm analysis, etc.

(9) Training and virtualization display. Such as operation training, digital twin display, virtualization model drive, tour and sales demonstration, etc.

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