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Advantages of sheet metal automatic production line

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Advantages of sheet metal automatic production line

27 3 月, 2022


Advantages of sheet metal automatic production line

With the development of science and technology, people’s requirements for product functions and quality are getting higher and higher, the cycle of product renewal is getting shorter and shorter, and its complexity is also increasing. Along with the growth of market demand for multi-species, small-lot and special products, the traditional manufacturing technology faces the double embarrassment of flexibility and efficiency, and the mass production method is challenged. As we all know, only a single variety, large batch, special equipment, stable process and high efficiency can constitute economies of scale.

On the contrary, multi-species, small batch production, low equipment specialization, in the case of similar processing forms, the need for frequent adjustment of jigs and fixtures, the difficulty of process stability increases, and production efficiency is bound to be affected. On the premise of ensuring product quality, in order to take into account the flexibility and efficiency of processing, shorten the production cycle, reduce the cost, and finally make small and medium-sized batch production to be able to compete with large batch production, flexible automation system comes into being.

The processing process of sheet metal automation system

(1) The sheet metal is fed into the magazine from the left end of the magazine, and the information about the raw material is recorded and stored by the magazine management software;

(2) According to the production plan of laser machines and punching machines, the magazine transports the plates to the corresponding machines through the transport trolley and automatic loading and unloading system;

(3) The laser machine and punching machine are processed according to the production plan, and after the production is completed, the next production plan is automatically called up;

(4) The automatic unloading system sorts, picks and stacks the workpieces, and transports them back to the magazine by means of the transport trolley;

(5) According to the production plan of the bending machine, the magazine transports the workpieces to be bent to the bending center;

(6) The automatic bending center bends the workpiece;

(7) The finished bent parts are automatically transported out of the bending center by the transport belt or are sorted onto pallets for transport.

Advantages of automated sheet metal production line

(1) Reduced standby time. The machine can be produced simultaneously while the material is being prepared, and the machine does not stop while personnel are changing shifts or taking breaks, thus extending its running time by 15%.

(2) Clear machining sequences increase productivity by 25%, and tailored production lines optimize logistical direction.

(3) Increased shifts expand production capacity by 20%.

(4) Reduced need for space, operators, and supporting equipment (e.g., forklifts) saves 15% in peripheral costs.

(5) Set inventory levels based on demand. The stockroom serves as a logistics center to manage raw materials, products, etc.

(6) Standardization of production process. Each process of the product is managed by the software and the production status is clearly visible.

(7) One time planning, step by step implementation. According to the customer’s planning scheme step by step implementation, can reduce the duplication of investment, clear business development direction.

(8) Provide a full set of solutions for customers. Including prior consultation→machine plan→realization of automation→introduction of warehouse management system→software, etc.

The modern sheet metal production process chain consists of product design, undercutting, bending, welding, marking, etc. We can provide a full set of equipment in the sheet metal production process chain. These equipment can be combined with the central automatic magazine and system management software to form an automated production line according to the specific needs of customers.

Among them, the specific needs of the customer include:

(1) The actual situation of the area where the production line is located, including height, width, length and whether there are columns, etc.;

(2) The requirements of the product for the equipment;

(3) The customer’s requirements for the degree of automation;

(4) The logistics direction of the whole workshop.

The sheet metal automation production line is tailored to the actual needs of the site to ensure the highest flexibility and flexibility, so that the customer gets the most suitable solution.

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