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Precautions for the use of hydraulic shearing machine

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Precautions for the use of hydraulic shearing machine

31 3 月, 2022


Precautions for the use of hydraulic shearing machine

Hydraulic shearing machine is a kind of hydraulic shearing machine, because the hydraulic shearing machine tool frame is circular motion shear, and circular tool in the production process of high technical difficulty. Generally in use will do pad iron patch, so the hydraulic shearing machine tool clearance is not accurate, shear the plate material accuracy is not good. Because of the arc movement, the blade for the acute angle, the use of the process of blade damage is more serious.

Hydraulic shearing machine advantages, although this model shear has certain disadvantages, but for different shearing requirements, we should use the appropriate type of shear, in order to ensure that the comprehensive performance of the shear and cost-effective.

Hydraulic shearing machine use to pay attention to.

1. Not allowed to shear the stacked plate material, not allowed to trim the edges of the burr plate material, not allowed to shear the narrow plate material and short material that can not be pressed.

2. The gap between the knife plate should be adjusted according to the thickness of the plate material, but shall not be greater than the plate 1/30. knife plate should be fastened securely, the upper and lower knife plate surface to maintain parallel, after the adjustment should be manually disc car inspection, to avoid accidents.

3. The knife plate edge should be kept sharp, such as blunt edge or chipping phenomenon, should be replaced in a timely manner.

4. Shear, pressure material device should be firmly pressed plate material, not allowed to shear in the state of pressure is not tight.

5. There are hydraulic devices, in addition to throttling fracture other hydraulic valves are not allowed to private adjustment.

CNC shearing machine blade grinding height does not need to adjust the shearing machine blade generally only grinding height and not grinding CNC shearing machine blade thickness, as a last resort manufacturers do not recommend grinding blade thickness. So long as we have not moved the shearing machine blade seat, you can directly install the blade on it, without adjusting the blade gap. If you move the shearing machine support pull dowels that must be adjusted from scratch blade clearance.

The quality of the hydraulic shearing machine on the Chinese market is a certain impact, only dare to do to let consumers really put down the heart of worry, only to make the hydraulic shearing machine in the quality of the continuous increase in effective assurance, in order to unrestrained development in the market, shearing machine since your livelihood is closely related, then the development of hydraulic shearing machine is also closely connected with you, accompanied by continuous technical transformation, not only to make Commodities to achieve the exquisite effect, but also to make the application of a wide range of progress, only then the market will be more flourishing.

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