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What are The Problems With The Operation Technology of CNC Shears and How to Solve Them?

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What are The Problems With The Operation Technology of CNC Shears and How to Solve Them?

3 6 月, 2021

CNC shearing machine is a kind of shearing equipment widely used in machine tool processing, which can cut steel plate materials of various thicknesses. In order to avoid problems during operation, some safety technical issues should be stabilized during operation, and the details are as follows:

High-precision shearing machine

Before operation, wear tight-fitting protective clothing, with cuffs fastened, and the hem of the jacket cannot be opened. It is not allowed to wear, undress, or wrap around the body next to the operating machine tool to prevent the machine from being twisted. Wear a safety helmet for the mine vibrating screen, put your braids in the hat, and do not wear skirts or slippers.
The operator of the CNC shearing machine is familiar with the main structure, performance and use of the shearing machine.
(1) Before work, be responsible for checking whether all parts of the CNC shearing machine are normal, whether the electrical equipment is complete, and whether the lubrication system is unblocked; clear the table and its surroundings such as tools, measuring tools and other debris and corner waste.
(2) According to the specified shearing thickness, the scissors clearance of the CNC shearing machine should be scheduled. It is not allowed to cut two different specifications and different materials at the same time; it is not allowed to cut by overlapping materials. The cut sheet requires a smooth appearance, and it is not allowed to cut narrow sheets that cannot be compacted.
The shearing machine is suitable for cutting all kinds of steel plates, copper plates, aluminum plates and non-metallic material plates whose material thickness is the rated value of the machine tool, and the mine vibrating screen is a material without hard marks, welding slag, slag inclusion, and welding seam, and it is not allowed Super thickness.
How to use the shearing machine: adjust the gap between the blades according to the thickness of the material to be cut; adjust the profiling or fixture according to the width of the material to be sheared; make 1-3 empty strokes before the shearing machine is operated, and it can be implemented after normal Cut work.
If the machine is found to be operating abnormally during use, immediately cut off the power supply and shut down for inspection.
When adjusting the machine tool, the mine vibrating screen cuts off the power supply. When moving the workpiece, pay attention to the safety of your hands.
All parts of the hydraulic shearing machine should be kept lubricated frequently, the operator should fill the lubricating oil once every shift, and the mechanics should fill the rolling bearing part with the lubricating oil once every six months.
(3) The fingers of the CNC shearing machine operator should keep a distance of less than 200mm away from the cutting edge of the hydraulic pendulum CNC shearing machine, and the hydraulic bending machine should leave the pressing device. The protective fence installed on the shearing trigger cannot block the eyes of the operator and cannot see the cut part. The waste generated after the operation has edges and corners, and the operator should remove it in time to prevent stab wounds and cuts.

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