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CNC Shearing Machine Manufacturers Answer Some Operational Problems

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CNC Shearing Machine Manufacturers Answer Some Operational Problems

5 6 月, 2021

Among the shears, in addition to hydraulic shears, there are also CNC shearing machine and other types. I will explain relevant knowledge among them, so that everyone has learning content, so as to understand the product of shears. .

CNC shearing machine manufacturers answer some operational problems

CNC Shearing Machine

1. Is there a difference in essence between CNC shears and shears?

CNC shears and shears, both of which belong to the broad category of shears, and they are subordinate to each other. Therefore, in essence, there is no difference between them. The CNC shearing machine can be programmed into steps to work, thereby saving work time and improving work efficiency.

2. What are the important parts of the CNC shearing machine? And, the DAC360 front-feeding CNC shearing machine, its shearing size is not accurate, how to find the reason?

Anhui Yongya CNC shearing machine manufacturer regards this kind of shearing machine, its important components are mainly shearing tools, and some important modules, such as transmission modules and control modules.

3. Automatically feed in during normal rotary cutting, and stop while advancing?

1) Virtual connection of the feed circuit;

2) The electromagnetic clutch plate is slipping and the knife is too high.

3) Check whether the feed line is imaginary connected;

4) Clean the clutch plate with gasoline or diesel, and adjust the knife height.

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