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What are The Common Fault Sliders of CNC Bending Machines?

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What are The Common Fault Sliders of CNC Bending Machines?

23 12 月, 2016

The CNC bending machine will have faults during the production process. What are the faults of the slider?
One, the slider has no return movement or the return stroke is very slow
1. Whether the electromagnetic proportional reversing valve is reversing and whether it is damaged
2. Whether the system has established pressure, or the return pressure is too small
3. One side of the filling valve may be stuck or not fully opened
4. After the slow-down valve is energized, close the filling valve, and fast return is not possible
5. Numerical control system: the programming angle is too small to reach the bottom dead center of bending programming
6. ​​CNC system parameter zero adjustment
7. The grating ruler is damaged or the wiring problem
8. Check whether the system pressure builds slowly

CNC bending machine

2. The slider vibrates and shakes when returning
1. The return pressure is too high or too low
2. System parameters or PLC and DM02 modules
3. Is there any deflection of the proportional valve coil?
Three, the slider slides down (top dead center)
1. Back pressure valve adjustment
2. Back pressure valve leakage or quick-down valve leakage
3. The upper and lower chambers of the cylinder string oil
4. Proportional valve offset
5. The supporting stability of the sealing ring is not enough, and the sliding block slides down after deformation.
6. ​​Determine the cause of the sliding-after removing the proportional valve, observe whether the oil outlet of the lower cavity is oily
When we carry out equipment maintenance on CNC bending machines, we should pay attention to the following aspects:
(1) Develop detailed and complete management systems and create detailed machine and equipment archives;
(2) CNC machinery should improve installation and adjustment and engineering acceptance, and carry out necessary learning and training for operation, maintenance, program writing and its technical personnel, including operation technology, maintenance and other aspects.
Fourth, the safe operation technical specifications of Anhui Yongya CNC bending machine, the specific contents are:
(1) The operating staff must wear protective equipment for workers, and operate the CNC bending machine in accordance with the requirements of operating technical specifications.
(2) Before starting the equipment, check the motor, power switch and route to check whether the machine equipment has reliable grounding devices and whether the key switches are in the right place.
(3) The overlap and firmness of the left and right molds should be checked to see if the positioning equipment can work properly.
(4) After the machinery and equipment are started, the flight parts should be transferred for 1 to 2 minutes, and only after there is no problem can they start working.
(5) When the bending machine is working, it feels that a full-time staff should carry out the overall guidance, and the staff in each position should cooperate closely and follow the distribution guidelines.
(6) When the sheet is bent, it should be compacted to prevent the sheet from lifting up. It is forbidden to bend the sheet at the end.
(7) During the entire operation, if the product workpiece or the abrasive part is found to be off-site, the vehicle should be parked and calibrated immediately, and the calibration cannot be carried out forcefully.
(8) Super-characteristic bending is not allowed during bending to prevent damage to the bending machine.
(9) Once the equipment is found to be abnormal, it should be shut down and inspected immediately, and it should be cleared immediately.
(10) After the work is in progress, the switching power supply shall be disconnected and the shift work shall be done well.

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