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What are the safety aspects of the operation of the bending machine?

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What are the safety aspects of the operation of the bending machine?

22 6 月, 2021

When we perform equipment management on CNC bending machines, we should pay attention to the following aspects:

How should the CNC bending equipment be managed? What are the safety aspects of the bending machine operation?

CNC bending machine

(1) Formulate complete and complete rules and regulations, and establish complete equipment files;

(2) The installation, commissioning and acceptance of CNC equipment shall be strengthened, and necessary training shall be provided for operation, maintenance, programming and management personnel, including operation technology, maintenance and other aspects.

The safe operation rules of bending machine, its main contents are:

(1) The operator must wear labor protection equipment and operate the CNC bending machine in accordance with the operating regulations.

(2) Before starting the machine, check the motors, switches and wiring, whether the machine equipment is reliably grounded, and whether the switch buttons are in the correct position.

(3) The overlap and firmness of the upper and lower molds should be checked, and whether the positioning device can work normally.

(4) After the machine is started, run it for 1 to 2 minutes first, and then start working after there is no problem.

(5) When the bending machine was working, Wuxi Shenchong felt that a special person should be assigned to conduct a unified command, and the personnel of various positions should cooperate closely and follow the arrangement and command.

(6) When the sheet is bent, it should be compacted to prevent the sheet from lifting. It is strictly forbidden to bend the sheet at one end.

(7) During the operation, if the workpiece or the mold position is found to be offset, it should be stopped and corrected immediately, and it cannot be corrected by hand.

(8) Do not bend with super performance when bending, so as not to damage the bending machine.

(9) Once any abnormality occurs in the machinery and equipment, it should be shut down immediately for inspection and eliminated in time.

(10) After the work is completed, the power supply must be cut off and the shift work must be done well.

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