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Why is the middle of the plate folded by the CNC bending machine bent?

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Why is the middle of the plate folded by the CNC bending machine bent?

24 6 月, 2021

In the bending processing of CNC bending machine, the biggest problem with current technology is how to reduce the preparation time before actual processing, especially when the product needs to be processed repeatedly.

Why is the middle of the plate folded by the CNC bending machine bent?

CNC bending machine

For the first processing, in addition to confirming the drawings, it is also necessary to consider the processing mold, the bending sequence of the workpiece, and the program input. However, in the actual processing, these factors should be considered comprehensively, and there should be no omissions, and it takes a lot of time. Long, if the next time you encounter the same workpiece and need to perform repeated processing, you cannot effectively call the last processing programming information, you can only reprogram, and repeat the same work, which is also called “two repetitive operations”. In this case, it is Great waste of time and labor, repeated consumption, resulting in a decline in the processing efficiency of the bending machine.

Therefore, Anhui Yongya feels that in order to avoid this situation and to better improve the processing efficiency of the bending machine, it is possible to combine the production, storage and use of the product processing information to carry out a virtuous recycling. Completely solve the above problems. And through this mode, the processing program and data can be used flexibly at any time, avoiding duplication of work, and improving the actual processing mode. It can be said that there are many benefits.

The middle of the plate that is bent by the bending machine is curved and has an R angle, which is generally related to the thickness of the plate. If it exceeds the intermediate curvature indicated in the technical requirements, the technical term is called the straightness of the folded part that does not meet the requirements. The following methods are for reference:

1. It may be caused by the unevenness of the upper knife and the lower knife. The mold is offset by the angle, so the angle is the same, and the straightness is not enough.

2. There is no deflection compensation. The reason is similar to that of each pair of molds, resulting in displacement.

3. The method can be used to measure the upper sliding block and the lower worktable with a height gauge to see if they are parallel. If the mold is already parallel, find other reasons to find a solution.

If the angle is not consistent, you can adjust the inclined block to reduce the error. If the upper and lower molds are okay, it means that the pressure of the bending machine is uneven or the upper tool holder is deformed. Put a few thin sheets of paper on the bottom of the lower mold. It can be adjusted slowly.

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