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Hydraulic shearing machine technical requirements

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Hydraulic shearing machine technical requirements

13 7 月, 2021


Hydraulic shearing machine is a kind of shearing equipment widely used in machining. It can cut steel plate materials of various thicknesses. Commonly used shears are divided into three types: flat shear, rolling shear and vibration shear. Flat shears are used in large quantities. Shears with a cutting thickness of less than 10mm are mostly mechanically driven, and those with a thickness greater than 10mm are hydraulically driven. Generally, single or continuous metal cutting is performed by pedal or button operation.

Pay attention to when operating the hydraulic shearing machine:

1. Before work, carefully check whether all parts of the hydraulic shearing machine are normal, whether the electrical equipment is intact, and whether the lubrication system is unblocked; remove the tools, measuring tools and other debris and corner waste placed on the table and its surroundings.

2. Don’t operate the hydraulic shearing machine by one person. Two or three people should coordinate the feeding, control the dimensional accuracy and take the material, and make sure that one person is in unified command.

3. Adjust the shear gap of the hydraulic shearing machine according to the specified shearing thickness. It is not allowed to cut two kinds of sheets of different specifications and different materials at the same time; do not cut by overlapping materials. The cut sheet requires a flat surface, and it is not allowed to cut narrow sheets that cannot be compressed.

4. The belt, flywheel, gear, shaft and other moving parts of the hydraulic shearing machine must be equipped with a protective cover.

5. The fingers of the hydraulic shearing machine operator should keep a distance of at least 200mm away from the scissors mouth, and leave the pressing device. The protective fence installed on the shearing trigger cannot block the eyes of the operator and cannot see the cut part. The waste generated after the operation has edges and corners, and the operator should remove it in time to prevent stab wounds and cuts.

6. The flywheel, gear, shaft, tape and other moving parts of the hydraulic shearing machine should be equipped with a protective cover.

7. Place a fence to prevent the operator’s hand from entering the area where the scissors fall. It is strictly forbidden to pick up waste on the ground during work to avoid being injured by the falling workpiece.

8. It is not allowed to cut materials that have been quenched, and never allow cutting beyond the working capacity of the hydraulic shearing machine.

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