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Advantages of intelligent sheet metal production line

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Advantages of intelligent sheet metal production line

2 3 月, 2022


Advantages of intelligent sheet metal production line

Sheet metal intelligent production line equipment consists of basic production equipment and various auxiliary equipment, automatic control system and product workpiece transfer operation system. According to the details of enterprise products or parts, the demand for tooling and fixtures, the process of tooling and fixtures, the demand for production efficiency and the level of intelligence and other key factors are different, the structure of automatic production line and its complexity are generally very different.

However, the general automation production line is composed of several basic parts. For the actual intelligent production line equipment, its composition is not entirely consistent, and it can be divided into general mechanical automation production line, professional equipment automation production line, automation production line without material storage equipment and automation production line with material storage equipment, etc. according to the structural characteristics.

Characteristics of intelligent production line equipment.

1. Enterprise products or parts in each tooling fixture tooling fixture use and auxiliary operation and its transmission between the tooling fixture can be fully automatic completion, with a high level of intelligence.

2. Production and processing rhythm more strictly required, enterprise products or parts in each production and processing parts of the same delay time or multiplied rate.

3. The direction of enterprise products is generally smooth and unchanged, or change in a smaller scale, and it takes a lot of time to complete human apoptosis when changing the type.

4. The whole process has a consistent automatic control system, and the application of mechanical automation technology is generally chosen.

5. The intelligent production line equipment just started to invest more in the project.
Dynamic equipment is commonly used in industrial production, modern agriculture, national defense, scientific and technological research, transportation industry, business services.

Medical equipment, service projects and family and other fields. The selection of automated production lines can not only liberate people from the tedious labor intensity, part of the mental labor and its extreme, dangerous production environment, and can expand the role of human organs, greatly improve the efficiency of labor, and improve the power of people to understand the world and update and transform the world.

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