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Bending Machine Controller | YONGYA

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Bending Machine Controller | YONGYA

10 9 月, 2021

With the development of bending machines in recent years, various bending machine controllers  have appeared on the market, such as the CYBELEC bending machine controller in Germany, the DELEM bending machine controller in the Netherlands, the ESA bending machine controller in Italy, and Nanjing ESTUN bending machine controller, etc.

So how to choose these bending machine controllers? In fact, it is easy to select a suitable bending machine controller by following the following items.


1. Simple operation of the bending machine controller.

Our purpose of using CNC bending machine is to bring us convenience and create more value for us. If the design of the bending machine controller is complicated and the operation is cumbersome, then this bending machine controller may not be suitable for us no matter how good it is. Imagine that the operation of our staff’s bending machine controller is a problem, can it still give play to the efficiency and accuracy of the bending machine controller? So an excellent CNC bending machine controller must be simple to operate, easy to learn and easy to use.

2. Stable bending machine controller.

The system stability of the bending machine is obvious. Everyone knows that we don’t want to have problems with the bending machine just a few days after buying it, which affects the mood and delays production.
1) We need to look at the age, reputation and retention of the bending machine controller in the market, and look at the maturity of the product. If a product has not been tested and affirmed by the market, then the system is not mature, and there will inevitably be such small problems. This phenomenon is like imitations and genuine products, the appearance of which is the same, but the difference is far.
2) We have to look at the bending machine controller manufacturer, the bending machine controller produced by the senior automation manufacturer will be more stable. In fact, the essence of CNC machine tools is mechanical automation. Generally, college students can develop them but few can be successfully applied. What is the reason? In fact, the ideal environment is far from the actual environment. Without a core technical team, it is impossible to develop a command. Satisfactory bending machine controller.

3. After-sales service of bending machine controller.

It is inevitable that there will be some large and small problems in the use of the machine, and timely after-sales service is also a necessary guarantee to improve efficiency and use experience.

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