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China Sheet Metal Automatic Processing Equipment

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China Sheet Metal Automatic Processing Equipment

29 3 月, 2022


China Sheet Metal Automatic Processing Equipment

The environment mainly includes the supply-side situation, business environment, user development and human resource situation, etc. The supply side is mainly material and equipment. As far as the current situation is concerned, material is one of our eternal short boards, and enterprises need to pay special attention to it; we should have the concept of material market development, not only focus on price, but also pay attention to the development trend of material application, especially to study the supply capacity of steel mills and system changes, so as to develop a material procurement system suitable for the development of enterprises themselves; to carry out research on material and process integration technology It is vital to save production costs and improve production efficiency.

In terms of equipment, it is very important to be suitable for the present and have a certain degree of foresight. To achieve progress in sheet metal processing, equipment must have the ability to be reliable and stable in three ways, namely automation, digitalization and informatization. At different stages of enterprise development, equipment with different capabilities should be procured for different products. On the other hand, at present, domestic sheet metal processing enterprises, compared with those in other industries, have not formed the basic principles of enterprise workshop layout.

Workshop design and layout are varied and disorganized, and most of the enterprise workshop layout does not meet or is not suitable for the needs of sheet metal processing process, which requires domestic sheet metal processing enterprises to conduct necessary discussion and communication with equipment enterprises, and to regard equipment suppliers as our “companion”, and jointly promote the progress and development of sheet metal processing technology. At the same time workshop design and layout also need to be given great attention by the whole industry.

The business environment and the human resource situation should be a concept in the context of social management, and these are two issues that need to be considered by sheet metal processing companies when they invest in establishing their businesses. Once the project is landed, it is also necessary to strengthen the communication with the relevant local government departments to create a good environment and human resources for the development of the enterprise.

The user is not only the object of our service, but also a “mentor” who grows with us. In the market of sheet metal processing products, enterprises should make a positioning for themselves and do something for something, not all users are your god.

Here, I still want to talk about the issue of “intelligence” which has become famous for a long time. At present and in the future, “intelligence” is only an ideal, and what we are doing now is a production automation, digitalization and informatization work, which is far from the ideal. “Intelligent” is still very far from the ideal.

In the technological development of enterprises, automation should be considered first, especially “reliable” sheet metal automation. At present, enterprises must deeply understand the concept of digitalization, and should gradually use digital tools, from equipment control, process design and other aspects should be completely digitalized, which is an important measure not to lag behind the times. Regarding informationization, China’s sheet metal fabrication industry has just started, and there is still much work to be done, especially the cognition and knowledge update of the enterprise managers or actual controllers is crucial.

There is no doubt that in the sheet metal fabrication industry, we are already far behind the developed countries in terms of the three computerizations. I have already listed many development needs, but the most crucial point is that “enterprise managers and industry workers should have the responsibility to establish industrial culture”, starting from promoting in-depth knowledge.

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