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CNC bending machine oil shortage causes

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CNC bending machine oil shortage causes

8 3 月, 2022


CNC bending machine oil shortage causes

Bending machine stator winding wiring is incorrect, there is a muffled sound, the speed is also reduced, should be checked to correct; motor running without phase, the noise is particularly large. You can first power off and then turn on the machine to see if it can start normally, if not, there is a phase fuse short circuit. If the switch and contactor contacts of a phase is not connected, will lead to a lack of phase.

CNC bending machine stator and rotor friction, will issue a harsh “scratch” sound, which is mainly caused by bearing problems. Should check the bearings, such as damage, should be replaced. If the bearing is not damaged, and the bearing is found through the inner ring or outer ring, insert the sleeve or replace the bearing and end cover.

According to the production process requirements and equipment load characteristics, the use of CNC bending electro-hydraulic proportional pressure control, easy to achieve a certain pressure control law, to avoid pressure overshoot, vibration and hydraulic shock caused by the pressure control step change.

Compared with the traditional manual control valve pressure control, can greatly simplify the control circuit and system, improve control performance, easy to install, use and maintenance. In the CNC bending machine electro-hydraulic proportional pressure control circuit, some by the proportional valve control, some by the proportional pump and motor control, widely used in proportional pressure valve control.

The problem of hydraulic fluid in electric hybrid CNC bending machine

As the temperature rises, the viscosity of the hydraulic fluid will decrease and be prone to leakage, thus leading to a decrease in the volume efficiency of the fluid. At the same time the lubricity becomes poor, which leads to increased wear and even sintering.

Due to the different linear expansion coefficients, heat and heat dissipation conditions of each component, its thermal expansion and contraction are not exactly the same, and thus the resulting deformation is also different, which is likely to destroy the original normal fit clearance of the relative moving parts, causing an increase in frictional resistance, resulting in easy seizure of the valve spool. At the same time, high temperatures make the oil film thinning, increasing mechanical wear, resulting in premature wear loss of precision with the surface, or even scrap.

In the process of use, the oil is oxidized due to heat, oxygen, metal materials, etc., causing the oil to deteriorate. When the temperature and pressure rise, the oxidation rate is accelerated, and the corrosion effect of the oxidized material on the metal is enhanced.
It is easy to produce impurities, oil temperature is too high, easy to evaporate, thus evaporating water, parts are easy to produce concave corrosion. Oil oxidation will form gelatinous deposits, blocking the internal shock absorbing holes of the filter element and hydraulic valve, resulting in the system not working properly.

When the environment is poor (dusty, wet), the longer the hydraulic system works, the easier it is for impurities and dirt to be mixed into the hydraulic system because of the objective conditions, the greater the imprecision of the mating surface of the hydraulic components, the more serious the leakage, and the shorter the life of the components. Especially when the dirt passes through the oil filter, the filter element inside the oil filter will adsorb the dirt, thus causing an increase in oil suction resistance and energy consumption and raising the oil temperature.


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