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CNC bending machine operation planning

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CNC bending machine operation planning

25 6 月, 2021

CNC bending machine operation planning

1.Safe operation regulations of CNC bending machine

1). Strictly abide by the machine tool workers’ safety operation regulations, and wear labor protection equipment according to the regulations.

2). Before starting, you must carefully check whether the motor, switch, circuit and grounding are normal and firm, and check that the control parts and buttons of the equipment are stuck in the correct position.

3). Check the overlap and firmness of the upper and lower molds; check whether the positioning devices meet the requirements of being processed.

4). When the upper slide plate and each positioning axis are not at the origin, run the return-to-origin program.

5). After the equipment is started, it runs idling for 1-2 minutes, and moves on the skateboard full stroke 2-3 times. If abnormal sound or malfunction is found, stop immediately, troubleshoot the malfunction, and work after everything is normal.

6). One person should command uniformly during work, so that the operating personnel and the feeding and suppressing personnel should cooperate closely to ensure that the cooperating personnel can send out the bending signal in a safe position.

7). The sheet must be compacted when bending, to prevent the sheet from lifting up and hurting people during bending. 8. The power supply must be cut off when adjusting the sheet metal press mold, and proceed after stopping the operation.

9). When changing the opening of the variable lower mold, no material is allowed to contact the lower mold.

10). When the machine tool is working, no one is allowed to stand behind the machine tool.

11). It is strictly forbidden to fold the sheet at one end alone.

12). If the workpiece or mold is found to be incorrect during operation, stop and correct it. It is strictly forbidden to correct it by hand to prevent hand injury.

13) It is forbidden to fold over-thick iron plates or hardened steel plates, high-grade alloy steels, square steels, and sheets that exceed the performance of the sheet metal bending machine to avoid damage to the machine tool.

14). Always check the overlap of the upper and lower molds; whether the instructions of the pressure gauge meet the regulations.

15). If an abnormality occurs, shut down immediately, check the cause and eliminate it in time.

16). Before shutting down, place wooden blocks on the lower molds under the cylinders on both sides to lower the upper slide plate onto the wooden blocks.

17). Exit the control system program first, then cut off the power supply.

2. Maintenance and maintenance of hydraulic CNC bending machine:

Anhui Yongya believes that foreign objects and metal chips on the machine tool and mold should be removed every day when the machine is turned on. Check whether the mold is installed firmly.

The cables and fasteners are abnormal and are there any looseness. Before machine maintenance or cleaning, the upper mold should be aligned with the lower mold and then shut down until the work is completed. If it is necessary to start or perform other operations, the upper mold should be turned off. The mode is selected manually, and to ensure safety. The maintenance content is as follows:

2.1, hydraulic oil circuit

a. Check the oil level of the oil tank every week. If the hydraulic system is repaired, it should also be checked. If the oil level is lower than the oil window, add hydraulic oil; c. Change the oil after 2000 hours of operation of the new machine, and every 4000 to 6000 hours of operation thereafter The oil should be changed afterwards, and the oil tank should be cleaned every time the oil is changed;

D. The oil temperature of the system should be between 35℃~60℃ and not exceed 70℃. If it is too high, it will cause deterioration and damage of the oil quality and accessories.

2.2, filter

A. Each time the oil is changed, the filter should be replaced or thoroughly cleaned;

B. The machine tool has related alarms or other filter abnormalities such as unclean oil, and should be replaced;

C. The air filter on the fuel tank should be inspected and cleaned every 3 months, preferably 1 year.

2.3, hydraulic components

A. Clean hydraulic components (substrates, valves, motors, pumps, oil pipes, etc.) monthly to prevent dirt from entering the system, and cleaning agents cannot be used;

B. After using the new machine for one month, check whether there is any deformation in the bends of the oil pipes. If there is any abnormality, they should be replaced. After two months of use, all fittings should be tightened.

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