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CNC Press Brake failure how to do

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CNC Press Brake failure how to do

1 4 月, 2022


CNC Press Brake failure how to do

With the widespread use of CNC Press Brake in construction machinery products, in order to meet its product quality and production needs, its quality standards are gradually improved. The machinery in the cold state can be equipped with general-purpose tooling (or special tooling) to bend the metal sheet into a variety of workpieces of desired cross-sectional shape, the reasonableness of the bending process directly affects the product forming scale and appearance. Through the process of bending shortcomings control and prevention, the adoption of appropriate and useful process methods to improve the quality of the workpiece.

CNC Press Brake failure emergency solutions.

1. The share of hydraulic class Press Brake mold relief valve solenoid is powered, the share of solenoid voltage is in line with the requirements, if the above reasons, please check the relevant electrical reasons.

2. Check whether the cartridge valve is stuck or the main spool is stuck, and damping small hole blockage, if the above reasons, please disassemble the hydraulic class Press Brake mold relief valve clean, and then installed from scratch.

3. Three-phase power supply phase adjustment, resulting in motor rotation.

4. Check the hydraulic class Press Brake mold oil tank oil level is too low, the liquid-filled mouth is not flooded, fast forward when the cylinder cavity filling liquid suction caused by the lack of liquid filling. Such as the above reasons can be added to the tank oil to the liquid-filled mouth above 5mm so that the liquid-filled hole is submerged.

5. Check whether the fast-forward speed is too fast, causing the lack of liquid filling. Such as the above reasons can be modified through the hydraulic Press Brake mold system parameters to reduce the fast-forward speed.

6. Check whether the hydraulic class Press Brake mold filling valve is open, if the oil pollution, so that the filling valve spool activity is not sensitive to the phenomenon of stagnation caused by the lack of liquid filling. The need to clean the hydraulic class Press Brake mold filling valve from the beginning to install the spool sensitive and free.

Usually in the use of Press Brake, you need to first turn on the power, and then start the oil pump, after completing these operations, the staff to set and adjust the stroke, in order to ensure the working condition of the equipment, before the bending operation, should be debugged, so as to avoid the process of production and processing because of small failure problems affect the progress of the entire workflow.

In addition, the CNC Press Brake needs to maintain a certain distance between the upper and lower molds, the distance between the molds can not be too close, if the distance between the molds is not reasonable, it will affect the processing quality of the components, but also easy to cause damage to the mold, so the staff needs to be careful during the setup and commissioning.

During the processing through the CNC Press Brake, the staff should also pay attention to regular maintenance and maintenance, before the maintenance of the machine tool, should first turn off the power, not to operate with electricity, the staff need to complete the use of equipment during the implementation of compliance with safety norms.

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