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CNC shearing machine blades on the material and shear angle requirements

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CNC shearing machine blades on the material and shear angle requirements

13 2 月, 2022

CNC shearing machine has been widely used by many factories, then, the actual production of CNC shearing machine blades on the material requirements of the characteristics of what?

Shearing machine shear material materials vary widely, and the temperature of the material also varies.
It is the time to really test the shearing machine blade red hardness and wear resistance.
Small hydraulic pendulum shearing machine performance, high temperature hot plate temperature and thickness are a test of the shearer blade.

Here the temperature refers to the specific temperature of the hydraulic pendulum shearing machine shear material.
Different materials of shearing machine blades on the temperature tolerance limit differences, although many materials of shearing machine blades have a strong resistance to high temperatures.
But its tolerance range are very limited if the processing material temperature higher than the shearer blade can be subject to limit, then the blade will be damaged.
then the blade will be damaged.

The thickness of the sheet being processed can also be very challenging for shear blades.
And the thickness of the blade hardness requirements also vary.
If the shear blade hardness is too high, the shear high temperature thick plate when the blade is easy to chipping damage.

CNC shearing machine blade shear angle
No matter what kind of processing is used, there are three main angles: the front angle, cutting angle and rear angle.
Its role is as follows: ① front angle: affect the cutting force, cutting edge strength and chip flow characteristics; ② cutting angle: control the direction of the cutting force, effective chip thinning, to protect the weakest part of the cutting edge; ③ rear angle: to ensure that the tool cutting without friction with the workpiece.
Through the comprehensive optimization of these three angles of the tool, the cutting edge can be strengthened, while the workpiece material can flow freely from the cutting area, thereby reducing the cutting force and extending the tool life.
If the shearing machine blades are not used for a long time, it is best to apply a layer of lubricant on the blades to prevent them from rusting.

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