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CNC shearing machine maintenance

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CNC shearing machine maintenance

22 2 月, 2022

CNC shearing machine maintenance

Sheet metal processing plant CNC shearing machine maintenance methods.

1、Strictly in accordance with the operating procedures for operation.

2、Each time before starting the machine according to the requirements of the lubrication chart, fixed point, quantitative plus lubricating oil, oil should be clean without precipitation.

3、The machine must often keep clean, unpainted part of the anti-rust grease.

4、The motor bearings within the lubricating oil should be regularly replaced and refilled, and often check whether the electrical parts work properly and safely.

5、Regularly check the v-belt, handle, knob, button is damaged, serious wear and tear should be replaced in a timely manner, and report spare parts to supplement .

6、Regular inspection and repair of switches, insurance, handles, to ensure that they work reliably.

7、10 minutes before the end of each day, the machine oil lubrication and scrubbing clean machine tools.

8、Non-designated personnel are strictly prohibited from operating the equipment, usually must do people away from the machine stop.

CNC shearing machine in the relief valve whether there is a problem, as well as its electrical or limit switch device, etc. whether there is a problem. Also, whether there is damage to the foot switch on the shearing machine, whether the oil pump is damaged, etc.. If, all of these are normal and there is no problem, then, the next step is to check whether there is any problem with the valve set, as well as all the electrical appliances associated with it, to find out the real cause.

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