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CNC shearing machine work process need to pay attention to what aspects

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CNC shearing machine work process need to pay attention to what aspects

25 2 月, 2022

CNC shearing machine work process need to pay attention to what aspects

CNC shearing machine for today’s era of technological development, is very important, from the satisfaction of improving efficiency, due to the emergence of shearing machine, so that many large and medium-sized enterprises in the production of finished products saw the light of day, the use of shearing machine into the production plant, no longer have to be bored for their products in the market supply and demand, in the processing of such as metal and non-metal plates played a great role.

Further shearing machine for some of the need to process the plate and play a fast shear useful, such as our traditional shear wood with more than the method of pulling the saw, we all know pulling the saw it, pulling the saw saw wood in addition to the slow speed of the saw also makes people feel hard work, the use of particularly inconvenient, and sometimes the saw blade is very easy to wear and fracture.

Shearing machine in the automotive, construction machinery, aerospace and other industries have been more and more widely used. As people’s requirements for products are getting higher and higher, the performance of the machine tool has also put forward higher requirements. Shear blades are installed in the upper and lower tool holders, the rigidity of the tool holder directly affects the rigidity of the blade, thus affecting the accuracy of the sheared steel plate, so the study of the rigidity of the tool holder is very important.

CNC shearing machine tool holder rigidity test method.

As the upper knife frame to do up and down reciprocating motion, so the displacement sensor probe needs to be leaned on the smooth steel plate bolted together with the knife frame, the test point division, the measured data for the relative displacement value; test the lower blade will be magnetic table holder adsorbed in the fixed external beam, as the lower knife frame fixed immobile, the probe directly against the measured part, the measured value is the displacement relative to the ground, as the shear plate by the upper Knife impact, can only play the table at the rear half stroke of the blade, and control the upper knife shear length is recommended for 2 meters, steel plate cut off after the emergency stop, so as to avoid the upper knife hit the displacement table, thus damaging the displacement table head.

CNC shearing machine CNC system adjustment method.

In the CNC system parameters are not appropriate, the machine tool produces a feeding mechanism in a position of front and rear oscillation swing. CNC system parameters need to be adjusted according to the following steps: ① reduce the servo drive motor gain (NT = 30); ② adjust the servo motor switch (NT = 31); ③ increase the motor brake slope (NT = 32).

CNC shearing machine servo initialization.

In the process of equipment maintenance, sometimes due to some inconvenient to identify the reason, can be initialized to quickly solve the fault. Servo initialization steps: first backup the servo parameters out, then initialize, and then re-write the parameters one by one. After the servo initialization, power on the test machine, the fault still exists. ① according to enter the CNC system, backup parameters; ② adjust to NT = 49, so that the value of the parameter is 1; ③ exit and shut down; ④ power on and re-write the parameters one by one; ⑤ exit. After system initialization, turn on the machine again.

Motor encoder inspection will motor encoder cover open, by looking, and did not find any damage to the encoder. Then check all the wiring of the machine, found that.

(1) The reference point proximity switch and terminal block connection is slightly loose, considering that the machine tool can normally return to the reference point, so the looseness is not the reason for the oscillation of the feeding mechanism.

(2) Servo drive, the foot false solder, after checking this for the feeding stroke input, re-soldering good. After checking all the lines, the fault was reasonably solved.

CNC shearing machine operation process needs to pay attention to several important details, each time the machine should be checked before use under the shearing machine machine and power supply power lines, to see if the line is aging because of the use of a long time, check whether the line is chewed off by rats and other animals. Once the line is not connected because of problems, it is easy to burn the shearing machine in the process of use.

Secondly, there are many keys on the shearing machine, is also an important issue to check the need for inspection and maintenance, because the staff in the use of shearing machine, inside the keys are often used in the production of finished products in the process.

We know that anything used more and used for a long time will be aging and easy to break, so the keys are also often the object of inspection, if the keys appear easy to swing and other phenomena should be replaced in a timely manner. Of course, if in the use of the process often do the maintenance of shearing machine maintenance, CNC shearing machine is very durable.

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