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The corner contour errors for CNC bending machine

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The corner contour errors for CNC bending machine

24 6 月, 2021

At present, hydraulic press brake technology is facing severe challenges, which are mainly manifested in the following aspects:

What are the current challenges for hydraulic technology? What are the causes and phenomena of corner contour errors during CNC bending machine processing?

CNC bending machine

1. The transmission efficiency of the system: It is well known that hydraulic transmission efficiency is low. Under the current pressure of energy saving and environmental protection, hydraulic transmission has withdrawn from many markets due to efficiency;

2. Reliability of hydraulic transmission: due to factors such as oil pollution or friction pair wear, the failure probability of hydraulic transmission is higher than that of mechanical transmission and electric transmission, which also limits the wider application of hydraulic transmission;

3. Informatization of hydraulic transmission in Anhui Yongya: Due to the nonlinear characteristics of hydraulic transmission and the characteristics of internal multi-physics coupling, it is difficult to extract the hydraulic system comprehensively, which limits the in-depth development of hydraulic transmission technology.

The cause and phenomenon of corner contour error during CNC bending machine processing?

There is an indivisible minimum unit in the CNC system. This minimum unit is one or a group of pulse signals. A pulse is equivalent to an infinitely small point in the CNC system. Compared with other CNC systems, the smallest unit is the accuracy of the CNC machine tool.

In reality, the smallest unit of CNC machine tool motion is the arc radius of the tool tip, which can be regarded as a three-dimensional ball running the tool path in reality. Tool setting in CNC is to align this infinitely small point in the system to the tool sphere. No matter where the tool setting point is on the sphere, other positions of the sphere are contour errors relative to the tool setting point. The smallest unit removed during cutting is the spherical space.

What can really eliminate this error is point-to-point following, because the workpiece itself needs a support axis, so the five-axis linkage machine tool can eliminate this error when it is implemented.

Machine tools smaller than five-axis linkage can use an algorithm to solve this contour error. This algorithm shows the tool compensation function in the machine tool. In a system smaller than five-axis linkage, although the algorithm solves the tool path error, the tool posture still cannot follow the change. , Some parts of the cutting surface are cut by the main cutting edge, and some parts are cut by the secondary cutting edge, and the machining quality is not as good as the five-axis linkage machine tool.

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