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Energy saving and emission reduction servo pump-controlled shearing machine

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Energy saving and emission reduction servo pump-controlled shearing machine

21 3 月, 2022


Energy saving and emission reduction servo pump-controlled shearing machine

Energy saving and emission reduction is a social responsibility incumbent on enterprises, but also a long-term strategic approach to the development of China’s economy. So, how should enterprises do a good job of energy conservation and emission reduction?

Industrial enterprises face the challenge of power shortage on the impact of industrial production continues to intensify, “double limit” more and more stringent, and the scope is expanding, chemicals, rebar, electrolytic aluminum and other industrial products production is subject to greater constraints, and even affected the agricultural processing industry. In the short term, it is difficult to ease the energy tension, and it may be difficult to relax the “double control” constraint on industrial energy consumption in the fourth quarter.

In the past half month, the global concern about energy shortage this winter is increasing, energy prices of varieties of strong performance, power coal, crude oil, natural gas led the rise of commodities. Domestic energy consumption “double control” tightening, the supply risk of the east wind over the demand weakness of the headwind, industrial products have stopped the rebound.

Strengthen technological innovation and improve processes: First, we should focus on achieving safe production, increasing shift output and reducing material consumption, analyze the energy consumption of enterprises in a timely manner, identify problems and weaknesses, look for energy-saving directions, improve processes, and eliminate backward, high-energy-consuming equipment. Second, we should pay attention to the improvement of the level of automation control, the use of DCS, FCS integrated control system, submit accurate operating parameters, to achieve staff reduction and increase efficiency, reduce the labor load of employees.

The situation is so severe under the sheet metal processing manufacturers in the selection of shearing machine, the main look at its power saving, energy saving to carry out. We have always preferred pump-controlled servo shearing machine. Servo motor can be in accordance with the requirements of the computer program in the electronic control box, within the rated speed arbitrary adjustment of speed, can stop at any time, start at any time, speed, etc..

Pump-controlled servo shearing machine features: oil pump is controlled by servo motor, the oil pump motor works when the knife frame is under shear, the return trip is turned off to save power, the rest of the time does not work, to achieve energy saving and noise reduction, extend the service life of the hydraulic system.

Using the latest computer technology, with a compact structure, full-featured features such as.

1、Backstop stroke control of shearing machine

2、Knife gap size control

3、Shear angle change control

4、Shear stroke control, pneumatic backstop material system

In recent years, we have been improving the energy consumption mode of sheet metal equipment, developing new technologies and introducing intelligent equipment to reduce the impact of energy consumption on customer production.

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