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How to extend the life of CNC shears?

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How to extend the life of CNC shears?

12 6 月, 2021

When buying a CNC shearing machine, you should not only pay attention to the price, but also understand the product quality and service life as well as the later service of the product. Because of incorrect understanding, it is possible that the hydraulic shearing machine you bought may not meet your own requirements and years of use. , So when you buy it back, you must do the following maintenance:

How to extend the life of CNC shears? What are the maintenance elements of hydraulic shears?

CNC Shearing Machine

(1) Hydraulic shears must maintain proper viscosity. Viscosity is the size of the frictional resistance between molecules when the oil flows. When the viscosity is too high, it will increase the conveying resistance in the pipeline, the energy loss will increase during the working process, the main engine no-load loss will increase, the temperature rise is fast and the working temperature is high, “cavitation” may appear at the oil suction end of the main pump; If the viscosity of the hydraulic oil is too small, it will not ensure good lubrication conditions for the shearing machine, which will aggravate the wear of the shearing machine hydraulic system components and increase system leakage, causing the volumetric efficiency of the oil pump to decrease. The specific use depends on the working pressure of the shear hydraulic system, the working temperature and the movement speed of the actuator. High viscosity should be selected for high pressure and high temperature, and low viscosity for high speed movement.

(2) The hydraulic oil of the hydraulic shearing machine must have good abrasion resistance and lubricity. CNC shears manufacturers believe that the purpose is to reduce mechanical friction and ensure the service life of the shears hydraulic system.

(3) The hydraulic oil of hydraulic shears has good viscosity and temperature. Viscosity temperature refers to the degree to which the oil viscosity rises and falls with temperature, usually expressed by the viscosity index. The greater the viscosity index is, the smaller the oil viscosity decreases with the increase in temperature during the work of the shear hydraulic system, so that the internal leakage of the hydraulic system will not be too large. ) The working conditions of the shearing machine hydraulic system are generally harsh. The temperature of the hydraulic oil changes with the load and ambient temperature during the operation, and the viscosity index is generally not less than 90.

(4) Anhui Yongya hydraulic shearing oil has good anti-oxidation stability. Antioxidant stability refers to the ability of low resistance to chemical reaction with oxygenates when the oil temperature rises. Practice has shown that for every 10°C increase in oil temperature, the chemical reaction speed is approximately doubled. The hydraulic oil of the shearing machine with good oxidation resistance and stability is not easy to be oxidized and deteriorated for a long time, which can ensure the normal circulation of the hydraulic oil.

Hydraulic shears must always be kept clean, and the unpainted parts of anti-rust grease, and maintenance work of the hydraulic shears can extend the service life.

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