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Fiber Laser cutting machine typesetting considerations

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Fiber Laser cutting machine typesetting considerations

17 10 月, 2021


Fiber Laser cutting machine typesetting considerations

Laser processing can design and cut a variety of graphics and is widely used in the metalworking industry. Before cutting, you need to import the drawing into the equipment program, and then use the equipment’s layout software to arrange the graphics on the plate so that the equipment can batch cut according to the drawing. The following is a brief description of what you need to pay attention to when nesting laser cutting machines.

1. Rational planning of cutting routes

The finished product can sometimes tip over. If the laser cutting head changes its route again, it may cause damage and loss to the cutting head. Therefore, when nesting, the route needs to be planned reasonably to bypass the cutting part and avoid collision. At the same time, choosing the best cutting route can reduce the cutting time and improve the efficiency.

2. Grasp the spacing of parts

When cutting thin plates, the distance between parts can be reduced appropriately. When cutting thick plates and hot plates, the layout should pay attention to leave enough clearance because the heat of thick plates and hot plates has a great impact, otherwise it is easy to cause the adjacent parts to be affected by heat, or there are sharp corners of cutting, small graphics burning edge, etc., which affects the cutting quality.

3. Corner cutting treatment

When slowing down the corner cutting, if the cutting time is long, the metal material at the corner will melt, and if the heat-affected zone increases, the product quality will decrease, thus creating a smaller radius at the corner, thus maintaining high speed cutting and obtaining good cutting quality.

4. Lead setting

When cutting thick plates, to make better joints and prevent burns at the start and end points, it is common to introduce an overrun line, called lead and tail, at the start and end points of the cut, respectively. The lead and tail have no effect on the workpiece itself, so they should be arranged outside the workpiece range. It is also important to note that the fuse should not be placed at sharp corners and other places where heat cannot be easily dissipated.

5. Common edge cutting

By sharing and pairing two or more parts in a combination, cutting times can be shortened so that as many regular graphics as possible can be shared.

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