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How guillotine shear controls work

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How guillotine shear controls work

21 2 月, 2022


How guillotine shear controls work

Guillotine shear machine control device structure will bring what changes.

1. Tool deformation control device structure composition

Tool deformation control device to PLC as the control core, its servo motor is the main executive element, with displacement sensors, encoders, photoelectric switches, buttons and alarm lights, indicators and other auxiliary components to build up the entire control device.

At work, the control device moves the whole carriage mechanism through the carriage body driving servo motor, and the displacement sensor determines that the carriage reaches the corresponding position, then the feed mechanism servo motor controls the expansion and contraction of the wrench, and the wrench mechanism servo motor as well as the encoder etc. control the wrench to adjust the tool deformation. In this way, as long as the position and size of tool deformation need to be adjusted, the change of tool deformation can be done automatically and quickly by the control device, improving the efficiency and accuracy of adjustment.

2. Tool deformation adjusting actuator

Tool deformation adjustment actuator, the actuator is driven by the motor to drive the whole carriage forward or backward, so that the wrench to adjust the tool deformation reaches the required adjustment position, and then the wrench engages with the top pulling adjusting bolt through the wrench telescoping mechanism to control the forward and reverse rotation of the wrench and rotate the top pulling adjusting bolt to realize the adjustment of the tool deformation.

3. The working process of automatic adjustment of tool deformation

The automatic adjustment of tool deformation is mainly divided into 2 steps.

(1)The operation of the carriage: At the beginning of the adjustment, the CPU will get the running distance required by the carriage in the memory unit for the next step and convert the running angle required by the servo motor. And then drive the servo motor, the servo motor will return the in-place signal after it is in place, and wait for the signal of the feeding mechanism and the wrench mechanism to finish the adjustment.

(2) Wrench adjustment of tool deformation: In the process of adjustment, after the wrench feeding mechanism finishes feeding, the wrench needs to make a little movement until the sleeve and the top pull adjustment bolt are engaged. In the program, 2 timers are used to control each other to output a square wave with a period of 400ms, so that the wrench servo motor can control the rotation of the sleeve.

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