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How to improve the efficiency of the CNC bending machine in the bending process?

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How to improve the efficiency of the CNC bending machine in the bending process?

22 6 月, 2021

1. What are the types of CNC bending? How to choose the bending type?

Among them, V bending includes the following three types: point contact bending, bottom bending and stamping bending.

Since V-shaped bending is widely used in actual processing, today we mainly talk about what we must understand in V-shaped bending.

How to improve the efficiency of the CNC bending machine in the bending process?

CNC bending machine

2. How to choose the lower die V width?

Board thickness (t) mm




12 or more

V width (V) mm





3. How to calculate the pressure required for bending?

After getting the processing drawing, calculate the pressure required for bending according to the information on the drawing. It is a waste of time to calculate one by one every time.

AMADA has summarized the following bending pressure gauge based on the processing data collected by tens of thousands of customers all over the world for decades. Only need to compare the following table, according to the material thickness and V width on the drawing, you can find the corresponding bending pressure, which is clear at a glance and very convenient.

After selecting the “plate thickness” (t) of the material and the “inside radius” (ir) of the bending in the pressure gauge, the following information can be queried:

①The pressure (ton/m) required to bend this material for 1m.

②The V width (mm) of the mold is used when bending.

③The minimum bendable edge length (mm).

Four. How to choose the die?

3 principles for choosing die:

① When pressing and bending → A lower die with a 90° angle of the V groove of the lower die is required.

② For point-touch bending and bottom bending → select the lower die with the V groove angle of the lower die ≤88°.

③ In order to reduce the scratches on the workpiece, choose a die with a larger shoulder R and V width.

5. How to choose the upper mold?

① When punching and bending → It is appropriate to choose an upper die with a 90° tip angle and a tip R of 0.2-0.6mm.

② For point-touch bending and bottom bending → It is appropriate to choose a punch with a tip angle of ≤88°. At the same time, the V groove angle of the lower die must be greater than or equal to the angle of the upper die.

6. How to decide the bending sequence?

When selecting the bending sequence, the complex shape can be divided into simple shapes, which makes it easier to select.

Anhui Yongya’s 5 basic principles for determining the bending sequence:

① Start bending from the bending line on the outside of the workpiece.

② Bend in order from short to long.

③Start bending from the middle rising part (middle bending).

④It can be folded together with the same knife (type of mold).

⑤The bends with high bend edges are put to the last bend.

Seven, how to calculate the elongation?

When using the direct input or angle input in the programming mode of the bending control system NC, it is necessary to carry out the expansion calculation according to the bending sequence, and enter the data such as the L value and the bending edge size in the NC.

8. How to judge whether it can be processed?

Different types of bending have different criteria for judging whether or not to bend. Today we mainly take the V-shaped bending as an example to judge whether the bending can be carried out.

Influencing factor 1: V width

1. Can the machine capacity meet the pressure corresponding to the V width used?

V width: the distance between the two points on the upper end of the inclined surface of the lower die.

V width=6~8t (bottom bending)

Inner R≤1/6V (Inner R≤1t~2t)

2. The bending pressure required per meter of SPC material is represented by P:


Therefore, we need to pay attention to the following 2 points:

1. The processing capacity of the bending machine used must be greater than or equal to the pressure corresponding to the selected V width.

2. The bending length is too long, which may exceed the processing capacity of the bending machine.

Influencing factor 2: Minimum bending edge

1. Is the height of the bending edge higher than the minimum bending edge of V width?

Minimum bending edge: Generally refers to the height of the minimum bending edge that can be bent relative to the V width used in 90° bending.

The minimum bending edge height b means:


Therefore, we need to pay attention to the following 2 points:

1. The height of the bending edge must be greater than the minimum bending edge height corresponding to the V width.

2. If the bending edge height is less than the minimum bending edge height corresponding to the V width, a smaller V width needs to be selected for processing, so the required pressure may increase, and the number of mold changes may increase.

When you see this, do you think that the bending process is very troublesome? So how to edit the bending data more simply, faster and more accurately, and produce higher-quality products faster? I will explain more in the future!

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