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Hydraulic CNC shearing machine characteristics

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Hydraulic CNC shearing machine characteristics

8 3 月, 2022


Hydraulic CNC shearing machine characteristics

Hydraulic pendulum shear due to the circular motion, and the arc blade production is quite difficult, generally with the blade after the pad iron patch, so the resulting gap is not accurate, cut out the plate material is not ideal, shear thickness of less than 10mm shear more than mechanical transmission, more than 10mm for the hydraulic dynamic transmission, because of the arc movement, the blade can not be made rectangular, and should be made into an acute angle, so The force of the blade is also not ideal, blade damage is also more powerful

Wuxi Shenchong believes that the application of these circuits determine the main performance of the system, its characteristics are as follows.

(1) Due to the use of pressure-limited variable pump, fast-forward conversion to work after the feed, no overflow power loss, the system efficiency is higher. And because of the use of differential connection speed increase circuit, in the selection of the pump and energy use more economical and reasonable.

(2) The use of pressure-limited variable pump, speed control valve and travel valve for speed changeover, so that the speed changeover is smooth; and the use of mechanically controlled travel valve, accurate and reliable position control.

(3) The use of variable pressure-limited pump and speed control valve combined speed control circuit, and set the back pressure valve in the return path, to improve the smoothness of the slide movement, and to obtain a better speed a load characteristics.

Is it necessary to use foot screws when installing the shearing machine? In addition, how to adjust the knife blade spacing of small foot shears?

CNC shearing machine installation whether to use the foot screw for fixed, is to see the equipment body in the work, whether there will be shaking, if there is, then need to install, no, then do not need. And the small foot shearing machine blade spacing adjustment, in fact, is not very complicated, first loosen the bolt, and then come to adjust the bolt generation buckle spacing, you can achieve the purpose.

CNC shearing machine position proofreading, specifically what is meant?

CNC shearing machine, the position of its calibration, specifically speaking, it refers to the position of the backstop material calibration. For example, the X-axis positioning dimension of the backstop is 50mm on the CNC, but in fact, it is 49mm or 51mm or other values, there is a certain deviation. At this point, it is necessary to perform the calibration in order to correct the value, so as to eliminate the deviation and avoid problems.

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