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Hydraulic Ironworker work preparation

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Hydraulic Ironworker work preparation

30 6 月, 2021

Hydraulic Ironworker

Hydraulic Ironworker integrates punching, shearing angle steel cutting, profile cutting and other functions. It has the advantages of light weight, small size and low noise. It is an ideal equipment for modern machinery manufacturing industries such as metallurgy, bridges, communications, and electric power.
1. Pre-preparation before booting
1. The lubrication of each transmission part should be sufficient, and each lubrication point should be refueled 2-3 times per shift; the shearing tool and punching die should be intact without cracking, and the fastening should be firm;
2. The gap between the punch and the lower die hole wall should be uniform and meet the requirements of punching and shearing. The minimum configuration of the punch should slightly exceed the plane of the lower die hole; the electrical insulation and grounding of the equipment should be good.
2. Operation steps and specifications
Ensure the normal and safe operation of Hydraulic Ironworker, ensure the personal safety of equipment operators, and meet production needs.
1. Operation steps
1) Check the power supply, the voltage is stable, there is no lack of phase, and the leakage protector and air switch are intact. Wiring, open the wiring cabinet of the combined punching and shearing machine, connect the wires, and close the cabinet door.
2) Step on the foot switch after the power is turned on, the machine does not move, swap the power cords, and check whether the emergency stop switch is turned on at the same time.
3) When working, pay attention to turn off the power every time the mold is changed.
4) After finishing the work, turn off the switch, turn off the main power switch, unplug the power cord, and clean up debris.
2. Safe operation specifications
1) Punching and shearing of steel plate, round steel, square steel, section steel, etc. can be carried out at the same time. But it is not allowed to cut the two steel materials at the same time.
2) It is strictly forbidden to cut the quenched steel and process beyond the capacity of the equipment.
3) The cutting tool and cutting edge should be kept sharp, and the cutting edge should be replaced in time if it becomes dull or cracked. It must be pressed tightly when cutting steel plate, round steel, square steel and section steel.
4) When cutting or punching, it is strictly forbidden to touch the surface of the processed workpiece by hand, and it is strictly forbidden to measure the workpiece, and it is not allowed to directly clean the scrap by hand.
5) The operator must stop when leaving the machine tool, and when driving again, check that the original position of the handle of each part should not change.
6) It is not allowed to cut laminated sheets, narrow sheets and short sheets that are not tightly compressed.
7) When feeding, the fingers must be 200mm away from the knife edge, and special tools should be used for small pieces.

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