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Hydraulic Shearing Machine Blade rust how to do?

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Hydraulic Shearing Machine Blade rust how to do?

15 10 月, 2021


Hydraulic Shearing Machine Blade rust how to do?

In the operation of hydraulic shearing machine equipment, if you do not pay attention to the maintenance of the blade, there will be rust problems, reducing production efficiency, affecting your economic income. Before talking about the problem of rusty blades, first of all, we need to know what the material of the blade is, so as to “prescribe the right medicine”, the efficiency will also improve a lot.

There are four types of tool materials commonly used in equipment.

(1) In the processing of HSS: pistons, milling cutters for milling risers, cross grooves and expansion grooves and drill bits for drilling oil holes are made of HSS.

(2) Carbide: YG and YD series carbide tools are widely used in various processes of aluminum piston machining, especially for piston roughing and semi-finishing machining.

(3) cubic boron nitride: cubic boron nitride tools are used in the process of turning cast iron piston rings for piston cast iron ring grooves, and also for piston three-dimensional imitation line machining.

(4) Diamond: diamond tools can take advantage of the high thermal conductivity and low friction coefficient of diamond materials to achieve high efficiency, high stability and high surface finish in the processing of non-ferrous metals and non-metallic materials.

Material properties are the basic factors that influence surface quality, cutting efficiency and tool life. In cutting, it is the cutting part of the tool that is directly responsible for the cutting work. The cutting performance of the tool depends to a large extent on the materials that make up the cutting part, the geometric parameters of the cutting part and the selection and design of the tool structure. Cutting survival rate and cutting degree, tool consumption and cost, machining accuracy and surface quality depends largely on the reasonable choice of tool materials. The following is the solution to the rusting of shearing machine blades.

Because the blade is exposed to the air, it is easy to rust and deteriorate. If the blade of the hydraulic shearing machine is not properly maintained, any blade will rust. When the equipment is not used for a long time, apply a layer of lubricant on the blade to prevent the blade from rusting. Any lubricant can act as a rust prevention. However, if the blade is unfortunately rusty, the measure is to use cotton sticky lubricant and gently wipe the rust scar, so as to achieve the rust scar. You can also use the inside in warm water, brush carefully with a clean fine brush or apply some lubricant with a high pressure gun to prevent the shearer blades from rusting and sharpness.

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