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Hydraulic shearing machine low temperature phenomenon how to solve?

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Hydraulic shearing machine low temperature phenomenon how to solve?

27 2 月, 2022


Hydraulic shearing machine low temperature phenomenon how to solve

What are the requirements for the use of heavy-duty shearing machine guidelines? Today I will tell you about the heavy-duty shearing machine use of the guidelines of those “not allowed” it, I hope for you to have some help and advice it.

From the size of the model to divide, shearing machine in a heavy product, as a very important forging machinery in various fields have a wide range of applications. Shearing machine is used to shear the material, while ensuring that the shear surface can obtain good straightness and parallelism, to ensure the high quality of the workpiece. To achieve this goal, heavy-duty shears have some operating guidelines that must be followed.

First of all, heavy-duty shears are not allowed to shear stacked sheets; secondly, they are not allowed to trim the edges of burr sheets; and they are not allowed to shear narrow sheets and short materials that cannot be pressed tightly. Not only that, heavy-duty shearing machine knife plate edge should be kept sharp, once there is blunt or chipping phenomenon, we must promptly replace.

And the gap between the knife plate is also very critical, it is best to adjust according to the thickness of the plate material, so that it is kept within the allowable range. Finally can not fall, when the heavy plate shear shear, the pressure device should be firmly pressed plate material, not allowed in the state of the pressure is not tight to shear, to avoid accidents.

We found that when using, found that the hydraulic shearing machine low temperature phenomenon, reducing the efficiency of work, so what is the cause of this? How to solve it?

1. Hydraulic shearing machine low temperature phenomenon: before running, hydraulic shearing machine work strength as well as speed are very normal, but after more than an hour of work, it began to slow down, drooping also no longer work, and then stop, stay a while to add some heat or can continue to run, but so that the efficiency of hydraulic shearing machine will be much lower. Hydraulic shearing machine mechanical aging, under the support of the hydraulic system, the internal temperature rises, but the external is relatively low, after the neutralization, it is possible that the power indicators will not reach the support factor, so that the shearing machine will also appear some other title titles.

2. Hydraulic shearing machine low temperature reasons: because although the hydraulic shearing machine belongs to the middle of a shearing machine, but the work intensity than ordinary mechanical shearing machine to be greater, and it must always maintain a relatively high-intensity working environment, if heat dissipation because of the climate can not be effectively distributed, will certainly affect the efficiency of the work.

3. The main solution: the solution is also the hydraulic shearing machine fault detection, it is impossible to continue this situation, then the external can not be carried out, we must solve from the internal, see if the hydraulic oil needs to be replaced, the new hydraulic shearing machine can ensure the temperature and the stability of the power system, can ensure the stability of the supply of heat, there is also the timely replacement of hydraulic shearing machine parts as well as maintenance, etc..

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