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Large double machine linkage CNC Press Brake technology

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Large double machine linkage CNC Press Brake technology

1 4 月, 2022


Large double machine linkage CNC Press Brake technology

We often encounter customers who need to purchase large double machine linkage CNC Press Brake in sales, and such customers in the technical discussions need to pay attention to the following.

1. Because our factory double linkage CNC Press Brake production pit is only 14.5 meters, the maximum lifting capacity of the crane is 34T, so if you encounter the entire length of more than 14.5 meters of double linkage, the weight of a single wall plate more than 30T (according to the machine tonnage and throat depth, the technical staff need to calculate), the need to consult with the person in charge.

2. If the customer’s double machine linkage is used to process power poles or signal towers, their process flow is: open plate (with plasma, flame cutting, etc., more than ten millimeters of plate need to be beveled) — bending (generally are scribed, with front and rear push material. There are also front and rear push CNC control, single expensive) —- welding (gantry welding + roller frame) — welding flange — surface treatment (grinding, galvanizing, spraying, etc.).

3. After understanding the product process, in addition to the calculator tonnage need to know the plate material, thickness, length, we also need to know whether the processing workpiece is polygonal or round. If it is round, we should pay attention to the curvature used when designing the upper and lower mold; if it is polygon, it is OK to use the conventional mold.

4. In addition, we need to know the maximum and minimum diameter of the workpiece, for example: the maximum diameter of the workpiece is 400mm, when designing the mold, the length of the mold handle of my upper mold should be greater than 400mm, so that when folding the last knife, the two sides of the workpiece together will not chew to the slider. If the workpiece is too large, such as the diameter of 1.5 meters, if the workpiece is formed at one time, the throat needs to reach 3 meters, which can not be done by this type of machine, so the workpiece can only be folded half turn a direction to continue to fold (this method, the throat needs 1.5 meters), or fold two semicircles and then welding (this method, the workpiece does not turn) Throat 1.5 meters, turn to fold the throat 800mm)

5. If the minimum diameter of the workpiece is 200mm, 12-sided, the perimeter of the workpiece is 630mm, the length of a single side is 52mm, so that is the lower die slot must be less than 52mm * 2 = 104mm, or I workpiece no way to bend.
Of course there are some other details of the double machine linkage bending machine, such as the table (electric, manual), before and after the push material (control function selection), etc.

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