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Mechanical processing drawings bending 9 notes

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Mechanical processing drawings bending 9 notes

17 3 月, 2022


Mechanical processing drawings bending 9 notes

When out of each process bending process diagram, bending this step of it is good to see understand; if a novice bender, the use of bending machines before the first thing to note the following points.

1. Distinguish whether it is the first view or the third view, the general chart frame with symbols to indicate. The first perspective is generally common in the country, according to the laws of projection; the third perspective is where to look at which side to put (that is, the left side to look at the image on the left), just the opposite

2. Do not miss the local view or section, the drawing of the corners must be seen in a bending schematic is not more than three views, most of which are expressed in lines or plate thickness line, usually you just need to distinguish between downward or upward folding on the line

3. Place the bending workpiece according to the main view, pay attention to the drawing or burr direction, it is easy to identify the direction and at the same time easy to check whether the drawing is correct.

4. To see whether the bending edge line of the sheet metal processing drawing is a solid line or an imaginary line. The solid line refers to the part that can be seen, i.e. upward bending; the dotted line refers to the part that cannot be seen, i.e. downward bending.

5. Many of the sheet metal processing drawings are made by 3D software, so sometimes the bending edges have tangent lines covering the dotted lines. This makes it difficult to see upward or downward bending, so we need to match the side view to see the bending direction.

6. When you look at the drawing, you can clearly understand the drawing as long as it is based on the projection rule. If the drawing is a third view of sheet metal processing, you need to look at it according to which side is indicated on the drawing.

7. Not only should you look at the drawing as a whole, but you should also not ignore the partial view or section drawing. Because of the structure of the product, it cannot be shown in three views, so you need to use the partial view. The edges and corners of the drawings must also be noted, meaning that the whole drawing is the focus, to pay sufficient attention to.

8. The title bar in the material and plate thickness information is very important, bending under the mold to be adjusted according to the plate thickness, and the need to confirm the information in the drawing and the request for workpiece is consistent.

9. Burr direction, is one of the means to test whether the drawing is correct, for the door class and box class workpiece, you need to ensure that the burr in the opposite side of the material.

Basic bending just look at the drawing is a dotted line or a solid line, the dotted line represents the side that can not be seen after the plate, so downward fold, to achieve the side that represents the visible, we need to fold upward.

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