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Power saving equipment – Oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine

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Power saving equipment – Oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine

21 3 月, 2022


Power saving equipment – Oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine

Western countries use carbon dioxide emissions as a weapon to attack China, using environmental protection as an excuse to block China’s industrial development. At the 75th session of the General Assembly, China once again stressed the importance of environmental issues and solemnly pledged that China will increase its national independent contribution, adopt more vigorous policies and measures, strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions in 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 .

Because China has not yet completed the industrialization and urbanization process, coupled with the sloppy mode of economic development has not yet changed, energy conservation and emission reduction work is very difficult. During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, the national energy consumption per unit of GDP was reduced by 19.1%, failing to meet the planned target. And 2011 is the opening year of the “12th Five-Year Plan”, the national annual energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by only 2.01%, but also did not complete the plan. From the current actual situation around the country, the task of completing energy conservation and emission reduction is quite arduous.

With the wide application of bending machine equipment and market competition further intensified, for the use of bending machine manufacturers, electricity consumption has become an important part of its production costs, so reduce the energy consumption of bending machine has become an effective way to reduce costs and improve product competitiveness.

As the oil-electric hybrid bending machine almost no energy loss, so the whole process will not lead to a significant increase in oil temperature, and thus the oil consumption of this model is significantly less than the electro-hydraulic synchronous CNC bending machine, the general servo oil-electric hybrid oil consumption is about 30% of the oil consumption of ordinary electro-hydraulic synchronous CNC bending machine, for large tonnage, especially heavy CNC bending machine is more prominent advantages, that is, it only needs One third of the oil consumption.

Our factory recently made electro-hydraulic synchronous CNC bending machine, oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine, servo CNC bending machine electricity test, three 110-ton bending machine at the same time open 3 hours to do the workpiece, electro-hydraulic synchronous bending machine consumption 10 degrees of electricity, oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine consumption 3 degrees of electricity, servo bending machine consumption 7 degrees of electricity, where the oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine speed can reach 15 times, while electro-hydraulic synchronous CNC bending machine and servo bending machine Bending machine and servo bending machine are 10 times, which can be seen to fold the same workpiece oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine power saving at least 3 times.

Oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine product features

1. The use of oil supply on demand, reduce overflow, energy saving of more than 30%

2. Small oil tank capacity, low temperature, extending the service life of the hydraulic system and components

3. Mechanical performance to achieve high precision, high efficiency, and energy saving, environmental protection and other advantages

4. Standard with Dutch DelemDA53T system

5. With Rexroth high-performance servo hydraulic system control synchronization 6, the main motor using high-performance servo motor

7. Using CNC control mechanical disturbance compensation device

Oil-electric hybrid CNC bending machine belongs to the power-saving and environmentally friendly products, both in response to the national advocacy of building a power-saving and environmentally friendly green social environment slogan, but also to meet the growing need for high precision and efficient use of enterprises.

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