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What are the precision requirements for high-precision CNC bending machines?

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What are the precision requirements for high-precision CNC bending machines?

17 6 月, 2021

What are the precision requirements for high-precision CNC bending machines? What are the environmental requirements of the bending machine system? The following is a specific analysis:

What are the precision requirements for high-precision CNC bending machines? What are the working ring standards of the bending machine system?

High precision CNC bending machine

1. The considerations of CNC bending machine in terms of accuracy and mold include:

(1). Accuracy, which mainly refers to bending accuracy, is very important because it determines whether to use CNC or manual. Generally, the bending accuracy is ±1°, and if it cannot be changed, then a CNC bending machine should be used.

(2). In terms of molds, the deviation per foot of conventional molds is about ±0.001 inches, and the total length deviation is not more than ±0.005 inches. For fine grinding molds, the size requirements are even higher, which are 0.0004 and 0.002. Therefore, the precision grinding of the mold is more suitable for the CNC bending machine. Conventional molds are more suitable for manual bending machines.

(3). Generally speaking, the CNC system of Anhui Yongya bending machine will use E200, DA41, DA51, DA53, DA56, DA65 and DA66.

(4). What are the V-groove and V10 of the CNC bending machine?

CNC bending machine, its V groove means that the lower die notch is V-shaped, and V10 means that the notch width is 10mm.

2. What are the requirements for the working environment of the CNC system of the bending machine?

Bending machine numerical control system, its requirements for the working environment are:

1. The power source used should be an independent power source, and cannot share a power source with other power-consuming equipment to avoid affecting electrical components.

2. The electric control box must be grounded, and the grounding is not zero. These two must be carried out separately.

3. When the machine is placed, it cannot be placed with some equipment that is prone to vibration, so as not to affect its service life.

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