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Sheet metal automatic three-dimensional magazine advantages and considerations?

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Sheet metal automatic three-dimensional magazine advantages and considerations?

19 2 月, 2022

Sheet metal automatic three-dimensional magazine advantages and considerations

Sheet metal automated three-dimensional warehouse is referred to as three-dimensional warehouse. Generally, it refers to a warehouse that uses several layers, a dozen layers or even dozens of layers of high shelves to store unit goods, and uses corresponding material handling equipment for goods inbound and outbound operations. Because this kind of warehouse can make full use of space to store goods, it is often imaginatively called “three-dimensional warehouse”.

The main advantages of the sheet metal automated three-dimensional warehouse.

(1) The use of high-rise shelf storage and aisle stacker crane operation can substantially increase the effective height of the warehouse, make full use of the effective area of the warehouse and storage space, centralize and three-dimensionalize the storage of goods, reduce the floor space and reduce land acquisition costs.

(2) Can realize the mechanization of warehouse operations, automation, can greatly improve the efficiency of work.

(3) Because the materials are stored centrally in a limited space, it is easy to carry out temperature and humidity control.

(4) The use of computers for control and management, the operational process and information processing is rapid, accurate and timely, which can accelerate the turnover of materials and reduce storage costs.

(5) Due to the centralized storage of goods and computer control, it is conducive to the adoption of modern science and technology and modern management methods, etc.
It can enhance the space utilization of the warehouse and good planning and management. Generally speaking, the space utilization rate of the automated storage system is 2-5 times that of ordinary storage, which can make more effective use of space.

Sheet metal magazine precautions, installation work “ten do not stand”

1. It is strictly prohibited to stand under the running crane and under the operating radius of the lifting boom.

2. Forbidden to stand in the forklift path.

3. Strictly prohibited in the high side of the edge, holes and other areas without security measures under the premise of standing people.

4. It is strictly prohibited to stand in areas prone to toxic and hazardous media leakage, flammable and explosive production area without safety measures and accompanied by a person.

5. Strictly forbidden in the cutting machine, angle grinder directly in front of the area standing people.

6. Standing in the presence of objects striking the area is strictly prohibited.

7. Strictly prohibited in the mobile equipment or devices, lifting parts or mobile vehicles around the station people.

8. Is strictly prohibited in the unprotected, supervised three-dimensional crossover work area or fire work area below the station.

9. Strictly forbidden in the high-voltage gas cabinet or substation area without security measures to stand people.

10. Forbidden to stand in the radius of the fall of objects in high places of work.

Improve the production management of enterprises, the traditional warehouse is only a place to store goods, save the goods is its only function, is a “static storage”. And automatic three-dimensional warehouse is the use of advanced automated material handling equipment, to achieve dynamic access to goods on demand, and more conducive to the production chain outside the warehouse docking, improve efficiency.


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