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The difference between mechanical and hydraulic compensation for bending machines

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The difference between mechanical and hydraulic compensation for bending machines

17 2 月, 2022


The difference between mechanical and hydraulic compensation for bending machines

Mechanical and hydraulic bending machine compensation

1. The difference between mechanical compensation and hydraulic bending machine compensation

–mechanical compensation technology
–Hydraulic compensation technology

2. How to choose the correct bending compensation?

In the bending process,CNC bending machine to the plate bending, the plate will also produce a reaction force on the machine tool. This reaction force will make the machine deformation, thus affecting the bending accuracy. Therefore, in order to improve bending accuracy, mechanical compensation and hydraulic compensation, in the plate bending process is widely used in the secondary bending machine arch compensation.

The difference between mechanical compensation and hydraulic mechanism compensation

1. Mechanical compensation technology.

The convex wedge consists of a set of projecting inclined wedges with beveled surfaces. Each projecting wedge is designed by finite element analysis according to the deflection curve of slider and table.

The CNC controller system calculates the required amount of compensation based on the load force. This force causes deflection and distortion of the vertical plate of the slider and table. And the relative motion of the convex wedge is automatically controlled, so that the deflection deformation generated by the slider and the table vertical plate can be effectively compensated, and the ideal bending workpiece can be obtained.

The actual deflection curves overlap, resulting in consistent upper and lower tool clearance during bending and consistent angles in the length direction of the bent workpiece.
Mechanical cams allow accurate deflection compensation over the full length of the table. Mechanical deflection compensation provides long-lasting stability and reduces the frequency of maintenance (e.g., oil leaks) for hydraulic compensation, making it maintenance-free for the life of the machine.

Mechanical deflection compensation allows the bending machine to achieve linear compensation when bending workpieces in operation due to the high number of compensation points, which can improve the bending effect of workpieces. Mechanical compensation is driven by a motor as a CNC control axis to achieve CNC control and make compensation more accurate.

2. Hydraulic compensation technology

Automatic hydraulic deflection compensation of the table consists of a set of cylinders mounted on the lower table. The position and size of each compensation cylinder are designed according to the deflection compensation curve of the slider and the finite element analysis of the table.

The hydraulic is to achieve the convex compensation of the neutral plate by the relative displacement between the front, middle and back three vertical plates. The principle is to realize the convexity through the elastic deformation of the plate itself, so the compensation amount can be adjusted within the elastic range of the table.

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