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Various maintenance methods of CNC bending machines and calculation methods for sheet metal bending and unfolding

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Various maintenance methods of CNC bending machines and calculation methods for sheet metal bending and unfolding

9 6 月, 2021

The CNC bending machine must be maintained every time it is used, which can extend the life of the machine and reduce unnecessary production costs. the following:

Various maintenance methods of CNC bending machines and calculation methods for sheet metal bending and unfolding

CNC bending machine

1. Before operation, check whether the leakage maintainer and blade are reliable and the power connection is accurate. The function of the steel bar straightening machine is large, and the adaptability is a prerequisite for us to use it. Whether the insulation of all electrical components is perfect, and the transmission part is Doesn’t have a protective cover, and does the fuselage have reliable zero (grounding) maintenance? It can be used only after acknowledging that there is no problem.

2. Before using, you must first test the empty car, and after admitting that there is no abnormality, you can start the operation formally. The steel bar straightening machine must be used after reasonable application.

3. When the steel bar is blocked, the steel bar must be pushed tightly. After the movable blade is returned, the steel bar is sent to the knife edge to block, to prevent the processing of the steel bar that exceeds the standard or is too hard. Use high-hardness blades to block special steel bars such as low-alloy steel.

4. When blocking the short material, it must be clamped with pliers before feeding to prevent the end swinging and hurting people.

5. When blocking long materials, two people should operate, and future generations should follow the instructions of their predecessors and cooperate harmoniously, and they should not drag it arbitrarily.

6. In the process of mechanical work, stop adjusting, repairing and cleaning. The maintenance work of the steel bar straightening machine must be done well.

7. When replacing the blade and repairing, first cut off the power and then replace it. The overall coordination ability of the steel bar straightening machine can increase its overall function. The processed steel bars should be coded and placed neatly, and the broken steel bars must be cleaned up. After the processing is completed, the switch is turned off and the switch box can be detached after the lock box is locked.

The calculation methods of sheet metal bending and unfolding are as follows:

90 degree bend

Anhui Yongya CNC bending machine manufacturer feels that the simplest calculation method for bending coefficient is the empirical formula for 90 degree bending coefficient: 1.7 times the material thickness calculation method.

used in 90 sheet metal bending processing, a right-angle bend minus 1.7 times the material thickness. For example: the material is 1mm iron plate, the bending angle is 90 degrees, and the bending dimensions are 100mm and 50mm respectively, then the calculation method for expansion is: 100+50-1.7=148.3mm. The calculated length is the expanded length.

Some people say that 1.7 is 1.6 or 1.65 times. Yes, it can be slightly adjusted. Because the bending molds used by each sheet metal factory are not exactly the same, there are slight errors, and it can be used without adjustment, and it can be adjusted slightly if the requirements are high.

non-90 degree bend

Sheet metal bending is not only 90-degree bending, but also non-90-degree bending. Is there the simplest calculation method?

This is not true. There is a calculation formula for accurately calculating the non-90 degree bending coefficient, which is to use the concept of the neutral layer to calculate the arc length of the bending arc, and finally find the bending coefficient.

Here is a special angle, you can use a simple method to calculate the bending factor. When the sheet metal bending angle is 135 degrees, the bending coefficient can be subtracted by 0.5 times the material thickness. For example, if the material is 1mm iron plate, the bending angle is 135 degrees, and the bending dimensions are 100mm and 50mm respectively, then the calculation method is: 100+50-0.5=149.5mm. Other sheet metal thicknesses can also be calculated by this method. Only applicable to 135 degrees, other angles are not available.

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