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What are the advantages of choosing a CNC bending robot?

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What are the advantages of choosing a CNC bending robot?

5 6 月, 2021

The most widely used in the sheet metal processing industry is to use a universal six-axis robot plus a CNC bending machine instead of manual to complete the bending process, but not every company is suitable for CNC bending robots, and you must really understand in the process of communicating with customers Before making recommendations based on the actual situation of the customer, the following points are particularly important:

CNC bending robot

  1. High productivity and high efficiency to shorten the order cycle: The robot solves the labor intensity and safety risk problems of manual operation, and at the same time, the characteristic of 24 hours continuous and fatigue-free operation is unparalleled. At the same time, no holidays greatly shorten the order production cycle.

2. High flexibility and high stability: The robot is controlled by a computer system, and the product quality is consistent.

3. High quality consistency: ±0.05mm repeat positioning accuracy, 75,000+ hours mean time between failures.

Robots are unmanned operation, no working hours for bending, consistent product quality, more accurate than manual operation, robots replace labor, safer and more reliable, and no holidays shorten the production cycle of orders.

In summary, CNC bending machine robots are suitable for companies that process large workpieces, large quantities, and few types of workpieces. Not all companies are suitable for robotic bending.

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