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What are the advantages of CNC plate rolling machine in actual production

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What are the advantages of CNC plate rolling machine in actual production

19 3 月, 2022


What are the advantages of CNC plate rolling machine in actual production

The working capacity of the plate winding machine is the ability of the plate in the cold state to wind the thickness and width of the larger plate with the specified yield limit of the small roll diameter. There are many methods of using cold rolls at home and abroad. Cold roll high precision, easy operation process, low cost, but the high quality requirements of the plate does not allow notches, cracks and other defects when.

The upper roll in the central symmetrical position of the two lower rolls through the hydraulic oil in the hydraulic cylinder act on the piston for vertical lifting movement, through the main reducer of the final gear drive the two lower roll gear mesh rotational movement, to provide torque for the rolled plate. And four-roller plate rolling machine is suitable for metal plate bending and forming work, can roll round, curved and a certain range of conical workpiece, and have plate end pre-bending function, the remaining straight edge is small, high efficiency, and can be roughly leveled on the machine for metal plate.

The following to talk about the three-roller CNC plate rolling machine.

(1) The plate rolling machine must be managed by a person in charge.

(2) The operator must be familiar with the structural properties and use of the rolling machine, and only after the consent of the responsible management personnel, can be operated.

(3) Before starting the machine to carefully check whether the safety device is intact.

(4) Operation, hands and feet are strictly prohibited on the rollers and transmission parts and workpieces.

(5) After the work is interrupted, the clutch should be put into neutral.

(6) More than one person must be in command to work together.

(7)Overload work is strictly prohibited.

(8)The tilting reset of the lifting and turning bearing of the upper roll and the balance of the upper roll shall be carried out after the main drive is stopped.

(9)It is forbidden to pile workpieces and debris in the workplace, and keep the machine tool and the site clean at all times.

(10)When the work is finished, the power should be cut off and the power box should be locked.

CNC plate rolling machine shows rapid development trend, it can be said that in the CNC three-roller rolling machine synergistic development situation, the overall energy efficiency effect of the profession is not very significant. In addition, with the implementation of the policy, we also feel the upgrading of skills, including the active change brought by the upstream and downstream industries of the rolling machine, see some joint venture collaboration with supporting manufacturers.

In fact, just on the last page we talked about the decline in energy consumption, in fact, the entire skill advancement is very significant, the mechanical coil machine skill penetration rate is increasing year by year, on the other hand, CNC coil machine is not only the number of steady growth, the quality of industrial development is also in steady progress, where we briefly listed a few skill goals, including we see the entire life of the change, including hydraulic systems, etc., in the past In the past few years are significantly in the steady improvement, including electricity consumption and so on the goal is also in a significant decline.

So see the energy saving and CNC development quality in progress, professional enterprises to speed up the transformation of automation, there are some new modes of collaboration between industries, the situation, is also showing an active and good situation, including we see the collaboration between enterprises joint venture, supply chain collaboration is also constantly strengthening.

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