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What are the advantages of the front feeding CNC shearing machine?

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What are the advantages of the front feeding CNC shearing machine?

7 6 月, 2021

What are the advantages of the front-feeding CNC shearing machine in practical use?

1. Improvement of work efficiency: The traditional shearing machine generally works by cutting the board. The worker sends the board and then repeats the operation. If the size of the cut board changes, then the shearing machine operator has to adjust the tooling separately to get the idea. If you continue to operate and process the required size, the work efficiency is relatively low. However, the situation of using the CNC shearing front feeder is very different. As long as the desired size of the plate is sent to the CNC shearing front feeder control system, the plate It will automatically feed materials and cut out qualified board sizes without tedious and repeated adjustment of tooling, and work efficiency is greatly improved.

2. Reduced labor intensity: During the feeding process of the CNC cutting board feeder, the staff does not need to repeat the work such as pushing the plate, and there is no need to repeatedly adjust the tooling and marking, etc., only need the staff to press the start button to automatically feed and cut the plate. The machine realizes the completion of the entire sheet, and the staff of the feeder before the CNC shearing board is very easy to work.

3, the cutting board size is accurate; the machining accuracy of the CNC cutting board feeder is plus or minus 0.20mm, and there will be no dimensional errors caused by the old-fashioned board shearing machine due to positioning, marking or negligence of the staff.

4. First of all, it uses the principle of gravity: when the plate is whole or large, use the rear block to position; when the last piece is continuously cut, the positioning of the rear block may not be able to be pressed or the operation is dangerous, that is, when It’s useful when you cut the board to the last time!

5. In addition, use the front stopper to position when cutting the residual material;

6. ​​When the plate is relatively thin, the rear stop may not be used for positioning, and the front stop is also used for positioning;

7. When the amount is small, it is usually pulled with a tape measure, basically no need!

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Front feeding CNC shearing machine

Hydraulic shearing machine maintenance skills and common sense:

1. Anhui Yongya feels that the oil should be changed once within one month of working on the new machine, and then once a year in the future. Every time the oil is changed, the oil tank should be cleaned;

2. Check the oil level of the oil tank every month, if the hydraulic system is repaired, it should also be checked. The oil level is lower than the oil window and should be filled with hydraulic oil;

3. The hydraulic oil used in the shearing machine is No. 46 hydraulic oil or No. 32 hydraulic oil, which can be used according to the actual situation;

4. The filter should be replaced or thoroughly cleaned every time the filter is changed.

5. The system oil temperature should be between 3560 and not more than 70. If it is too high, it will cause deterioration and damage to the oil and accessories.

6. The shearing machine has related alarms or other filter abnormalities such as unclean oil, so replace it in time.

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