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What are the applications of CNC bending machines in the elevator industry?

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What are the applications of CNC bending machines in the elevator industry?

22 6 月, 2021

Elevator products include mechanical parts, sheet metal parts, electrical parts and standard parts, of which 60% of the parts are sheet metal parts. There are nearly a thousand kinds of parts involved, with a wide variety of products, and a variety of production batches, which depend on the flexibility of sheet metal equipment. Processing.

What are the applications of CNC bending machines in the elevator industry? The direction of the transformation and upgrading of the automated bending machine production line?

CNC bending machine

The elevator sheet metal workshop mainly produces elevator cars and car frames. The production equipment mainly adopts various types of automation equipment, such as: CNC shearing machine, CNC punching machine, CNC bending machine, laser cutting machine, robot bending unit, FMS sheet metal flexible production line, truss robot, etc. At present, the elevator manufacturing process has basically been automated. According to the product structure, production technology, and output requirements, relevant production technology transformations have been carried out, and the entire process of parts from raw materials, punching and shearing, bending, painting, and removal of parts has been realized. The production technology is at the advanced level in the same industry with automation, light labor, and humanized production.

The transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry is the advancement from the automation of manufacturing to the digitalization of production. As the elevator’s sheet metal workshop has achieved automation, fewer people, and light labor, it is gradually advancing to informatization, digitization, and intelligence. In this process of advancement, what should the equipment supplier do? “Manufacturing upgrades, equipment first”, sheet metal processing equipment suppliers should also adapt to the production needs of customers’ development, from multi-process single-machine, multi-manual production to order The production process is compounded, automated, less humanized, flexible, informatized, and intelligent (automatic unit, production line). At the same time, sheet metal processing enterprises should also continue to develop and apply new processes, new technologies, and new materials. With the transformation of production technology and the improvement of manufacturing technology, Anhui Yongya feels that from a single OEM production enterprise to a comprehensive technology, product, and service enterprise, it has changed from passive to active to meet the needs of market development.

In the process of product design and production, the elevator adopts environmentally friendly materials, clean energy, and low energy consumption and low noise production equipment to solve waste gas, waste water and noise:

⑴ Exhaust gas. The spraying production line uses natural gas as an energy source to reduce combustion exhaust gas; it adopts a centralized catalytic combustion process to completely decompose and purify organic exhaust gas.

⑵ Wastewater. After going through the centralized sewage treatment system, a reclaimed water reuse system is added to reuse reclaimed water for new buildings, greening, toilets, etc., to achieve environmentally friendly discharge and water conservation.

⑶ Noise. While giving priority to the use of low-noise equipment and scientific production layout, the production process is improved, sound insulation devices are added, and related protective equipment is distributed to reduce the harm of noise to employees. For example, the laser cutting process is used to replace the cutting and punching processes in the medium and thick plates; the new automatic riveting process is used to replace the manual riveting and bolting processes in the connection of some thin plate parts to reduce the working noise.

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