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What are the safe operating procedures for hydraulic CNC bending machines?

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What are the safe operating procedures for hydraulic CNC bending machines?

8 6 月, 2021

1. Precautions before operation of hydraulic CNC bending machine:

1.1 Before driving, add oil according to the lubrication chart, check the oil circuit, oil cup, and oil quantity to find out whether the oil quality is good and whether the oil circuit is unblocked. 1.2 Check whether the conditions of each part are normal, whether the upper and lower die are in the specified position, and whether the oil pump motor is running normally. 1.3 After the oil pump is started, run it dry for 3 to 5 minutes, check and confirm the working status of the equipment, and then start to work after confirming that it is normal.

What are the safe operating procedures for hydraulic CNC bending machines?

2. Operation precautions

2.1 During operation, the pressed workpiece should be placed in the middle and parallel to the upper and lower molds, and the pad should be placed smoothly. During the working process of the bending machine, it is strictly forbidden to overhaul or adjust the mold.

2.2 When pressing long and large workpieces, two persons (or more) are required to operate. Avoid toppling when the workpiece is deformed due to the force and deformation. It is not allowed to hold the pressed workpiece at close range.

2.3 When correcting or pressing the workpiece, the workpiece should be placed in the middle of the mold, and no bias is allowed. The upper die should approach the workpiece slowly to prevent the workpiece from being forced out.

2.4 During work, always check whether the strokes of the two cylinders are the same, otherwise adjust or report for repair in time. When the piston of the oil cylinder is shaken or the oil pump screams, the air in the oil circuit must be discharged.

2.5 Always pay attention to the oil tank and observe whether the oil level is suitable. If the oil level is too high, check the oil return line and adjust the oil return valve. It is strictly forbidden to overflow the oil tank. Keep working oil temperature ≤45℃.

2.6 Anhui Yongya believes that when the control valve and safety valve fail or the safety protection device is imperfect, it is not allowed to continue selling. 2.7 Regulating valves and pressure gauges are strictly prohibited from being arbitrarily adjusted by others, and the operator must tighten them after adjustment. 2.8 When the working pressure is too high, the oil return valve must be checked and adjusted, and work can only be carried out after the fault is eliminated.

2.9 It is strictly forbidden for the upper die to exceed the maximum stroke.

2.10 During the work process, it is strictly forbidden to reach into the middle of the upper and lower molds.

2.11 Check the travel switch and safety protection device frequently to ensure the reliable operation of the machine.

2.12 When adjusting the mold or overhauling, the oil pump must be turned off to ensure safety.

2.13 When using cranes to lift workpieces, they should strictly abide by the safety technical operating regulations for the implementation of crane operations and ground (hook) operations, and cooperate closely.

What are the safe operating procedures for hydraulic CNC bending machines?

3. Precautions for shutdown

3.1 The mold should be closed before stopping. Stop according to the following procedure: first stop the working oil pump, then stop the control power supply, and finally cut off the main power supply.

3.2 After finishing the work, clean the machine tool and place the workpiece in the designated place.

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