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Whether the normal operation of the plate rolling machine judgment

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Whether the normal operation of the plate rolling machine judgment

24 3 月, 2022


Whether the normal operation of the plate rolling machine judgment judgment

We found that many customers in the use of the plate rolling machine is very hands-on, but once the problem is bewildered, do not know what to do, if we can understand or even master some small knowledge about the normal operation of the coil machine can easily help us solve this problem. How to make a judgment on whether the plate rolling machine is normal?

First of all, open the plate rolling machine, listen to the plate rolling machine in the air rotation, noise pressure level shall not exceed 90dB. gear transmission, electrical, hydraulic components work, there can be no irregular impact sound and periodic screaming. Try the mechanical transmission system is running normally, smoothly, no sound, sensitive and reliable braking. Then check the hydraulic components and pipelines must not have leakage.

During the operation of the plate rolling machine, look at the hydraulic system of the plate rolling machine when working, the oil temperature in the oil tank shall not exceed 50 degrees in general, after 4 hours of continuous full load work, the oil temperature in the oil tank shall not exceed 60 degrees. Hydraulic drive components in the working range, should not occur vibration crawl, stagnation and significant impact phenomenon. The amplitude of its airlift shall not exceed 30μm in general.

Reasons for the heating of the plate rolling machine.

1. The pressure adjustment is too high, which makes the speed of the coiler become fast, thus causing the seal ring and side plate to burn out;

2. The oil tank of the coiler itself is too small, making the heat dissipation conditions poor;

3. Due to the axial clearance is too large or seal ring damage thus causing internal leakage.

Coil machine will fail after a period of time, then in the daily production of the plate rolling machine maintenance, in order to extend its service life.

1. Strictly in accordance with the operating procedures for operation.

2. The plate rolling machine must often keep clean, unpainted part of the anti-rust grease.

3. Each time before starting the machine according to the requirements of the lubrication chart at regular intervals, fixed points, quantitative plus lubricating oil, oil should be clean without deposits.

Four-roller rolling machine operation precautions

Four-roller rolling machine is a kind of non-metallic plate bending and rolling into a cone, spherical body, cylinder or other shape of a public forging machine and equipment, this performance is used in a wide range of manufacturing, boiler steam, chemical industry, non-metallic structure and machine building and other businesses. The following, to introduce the four-roller rolling machine folding considerations.

1. Four-roller plate rolling machine has a person in charge of management.

2. The operator is familiar with the structural properties and use of the four-roller rolling machine, and only after the consent of the responsible management personnel, can be operated.

3. Before starting the machine to carefully check whether the device is intact.

4. When operating, it is strictly forbidden to put hands and feet on the rollers and transmission parts and workpieces.

5. After the work is interrupted, the clutch should be put into neutral.

6. Multiple people working together should be directed by a person.

7. Overload work is strictly prohibited.

8. The upper roller’s lifting and turning bearing’s tilting reset and the upper roller’s balance shall be carried out after the main drive is stopped.

9. The work site is forbidden to pile workpieces and debris, to keep the machine tool and site clean at all times.

10. After the operation, the power should be cut off and the power box should be locked.

The above is the four-roller rolling machine operation precautions, I hope these contents can help you.

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