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Why Hydraulic Shearing Machine is equipped with accumulator

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Why Hydraulic Shearing Machine is equipped with accumulator

16 10 月, 2021


Why Hydraulic Shearing Machine is equipped with accumulator

Accumulators are used to replenish oil leaks in the hydraulic shearing machine press circuit and to reduce the power consumption of the shear beam air stroke drop, thus reducing system heat generation. If the accumulator is not adapted, the oil pump pressure must be higher than the set pressure of the sequence valve, e.g. 65 kg/cm2, which is much higher than the actual pressure required for customer service resistance, e.g. only 25 kg/cm2. As a result, the energy consumption increases and the system is heated. The addition of an accumulator both replenishes leaks in the pressurized circuit, keeping the pressure stable, and keeps the one-way sequence valve open at its saved pressure, so that the oil pump discharge pressure can be determined by the actual resistance at idle speed formation, reducing energy consumption.

Due to the application of accumulator, the efficiency of hydraulic shearing machine system is improved and less heat is generated. Even in long term continuous operation, it is possible to maintain normal return temperature without setting up a cooler. After the knife holder returns, the 3DT is powered off, the press cylinder returns, the press head relaxes and the support cylinder returns to its original position. When there is no need to use the support ball to shear the sheet, after the piston of the support cylinder retracts, the stop valve in the valve can be closed and the support mechanism remains in the table and does not work.

Notes on the installation of hydraulic accumulators.

1. When installed, it should be as close as possible to the hydraulic system of the hydraulic shearing machine to shorten the connecting pipeline, thus reducing the pressure.

2. The installation location should leave a certain space for future repair and restart. Pay attention to the principle of installation environment and heat source.

3. When installed, the right valve opening of the hydraulic accumulator should be vertically downward so that gas cannot enter the pipe.

4. Check if there is air or oil leakage at the interface.

5. After installation, do not fill with hydrogen, oxygen or compressed air to avoid accidents.

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