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What are the working process elements of the hydraulic bending machine?

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What are the working process elements of the hydraulic bending machine?

5 6 月, 2021

What problems will the electro-hydraulic synchronous CNC bending machine encounter in actual use?

(1) The reversing valve cannot be reversed or the reversing action is slow, which is generally caused by poor lubrication, stuck or damaged springs, oil or impurities stuck in sliding parts, etc. In this regard, first check whether the lubricator is working properly; whether the viscosity of the lubricating oil is appropriate. If necessary, replace the lubricating oil, clean the sliding part of the reversing valve, or replace the spring and reversing valve.

(2) After long-term use, the reversing valve is prone to the phenomenon of valve core sealing ring wear, valve stem and valve seat damage, resulting in leakage in the valve, slow valve action or failure of normal reversing. At this time, the sealing ring, valve stem and valve seat should be replaced, or the reversing valve should be replaced with a new one.

(3) If the inlet and exhaust holes of the solenoid pilot valve are blocked by sludge and other debris, the sealing is not tight, the movable iron core is stuck, the circuit is faulty, etc., all of which can cause the reversing valve to fail to reverse normally. For the first three cases, the sludge and impurities on the pilot valve and movable iron core should be cleaned. Circuit failures are generally divided into control circuit failures and electromagnetic coil failures. Before checking the circuit failure, you should turn the manual knob of the reversing valve a few times to see if the reversing valve can change direction normally under the rated air pressure. If it can change direction normally, the circuit is faulty. During the inspection of Anhui Yongya, the voltage of the electromagnetic coil can be measured with an instrument to see if it has reached the rated voltage. If the voltage is too low, the power supply in the control circuit and the associated travel switch circuit should be further checked. If the reversing valve cannot be changed normally under the rated voltage, check whether the connector (plug) of the solenoid coil is loose or not in contact with it. The method is to unplug the plug and measure the resistance of the coil. If the resistance is too large or too small, the solenoid is damaged and should be replaced.

What are the fault analysis of the electro-hydraulic synchronous CNC bending machine and the working process elements of the hydraulic bending machine?

Electro-hydraulic synchronous CNC bending machine

The working process of hydraulic sheet metal bending machine: It can be divided into three working modes: inching, single and continuous:

Jog: select the jog operation gear, step on the pedal to slow forward, press down the bending mechanism to automatically press down, touch the travel switch to stop the press; during the process of pressing down, the pedal is released and the pedal is slow to advance and stops at the current operating position; down During the pressing process, step on the pedal to return, press the bending mechanism to return automatically, and stop the return when hitting the stroke; during the return process, release the pedal to return and stop at the current return position

Single: set the pressure holding time, the pressure release time, the distance of the horizontal stop, the distance of the horizontal stop, and the adjustment of the horizontal stop position; select the single operation gear, the press-bending mechanism is not in the upper stroke switch position, and the first automatic return Travel switch position; step on the foot pedal to slow forward, and the press bending mechanism will automatically press down; when the travel switch is touched, the horizontal stopper mechanism will move back a set distance and automatically hold the pressure; when the pressure hold time is up, the pressure will be automatically released. When the pressure is relieved, the downward pressure bending mechanism will automatically return, and the horizontal stopper mechanism will automatically advance the set distance; when the stroke switch is touched, the single bending action ends:

(1) Set the pressure holding time, pressure relief time, the advance and retreat distance of the horizontal stop, adjust the position of the horizontal stop

(2) Set the number of steps, the position of the stopper for each step, and the number of bending sheets

(3) Select the continuous operation gear position, the downward press bending mechanism is not at the upper travel switch position, first automatically return to the upper travel switch position; step on the foot pedal to advance slowly, the lower press bending mechanism automatically presses down; when the travel switch is touched, it is horizontal The stopper mechanism moves back to the set distance and automatically maintains pressure at the same time; when the holding time is up, the pressure is automatically released; when the pressure is relieved, the press-down bending mechanism automatically returns, and the horizontal stopper mechanism automatically advances the set distance; hits the stroke switch , One bending action ends, and the next bend is performed

(4) The bending times of the current step is completed, and the stroke switch is touched, the horizontal stop position is automatically adjusted, and the next step of bending is entered.

(5) All the steps are completed, and the stroke switch is touched, and the continuous bending action ends.

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